
Server utils for usermatic apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import usermaticServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@usermatic/server';


This module is intended for backends of applications that use Usermatic.

verifyJwt(token: string, key: string): string | object

verifyJwt verifies a JWT provided by a client who has signed in to your application. If the JWT signature is authentic, the decoded contents of the JWT are returned. Otherwise, an Error() is thrown.


   try {
     const token = verifyJwt(req.headers.authorization, process.env.UM_SECRET)
     res.status(200).send(`You are authenticated as ${ token.id }`)
   } catch (err) {
     res.status(400).send("Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word!")

verifyJwt is just a wrapper around the verify function from jsonwebtoken. However, it throws an error if you supply an empty key, and restricts the allowed signature algorithms to those that are used by Usermatic. (Currently, HS256 only).