
Creates a bootstrapped server based on Express.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import usvcComponentServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@usvc/component-server';



Creates a bootstrapped server based on Express.


  • Basic HTTP security
  • Support for reading cookies
  • Support for issuing cookies
  • Parses POST data with Content-Type: application/json correctly
  • Parses POST data with Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded correctly
  • Support for Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing (CORS)
  • Support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) management
  • Bundled metrics supporting Prometheus
  • Bundled distributed tracing with Zipkin
  • Readiness check configuration
  • Liveness check configuration


npm i @usvc/component-server;
# OR
yarn add @usvc/component-server;


const {createServer} = require('@usvc/component-server');
// OR
import {createServer} from '@usvc/component-server';


// require as ^
const server = createServer();
const instance = server.listen(() => {
  const {port} = instance.address;
  console.info(`Listening on http://localhost:${port}`)

Full Configuration

// require as ^
const server = createServer({
  enableCookies: true,
  enableCors: true,
  enableJsonBody: true,
  enableUrlEncodedBody: true,
  cookies: {
    keys: [],
    name: 'session',
    secret: undefined,
    domain: 'localhost',
    httpOnly: true,
    maxAge: 60e3 * 60,
    path: '/',
  cors: {
    allowedHeaders: undefined,
    credentials: true,
    exposedHeaders: undefined,
    maxAge: ONE_DAY,
    methods: ALL_HTTP_METHODS,
    optionsSuccessStatus: 204,
    preflightContinue: true,
    urls: [],
  csp: {
    childSrc: ['"self"'],
    connectSrc: ['"self"'],
    defaultSrc: ['"self"'],
    disableAndroid: false,
    fontSrc: ['"self"'],
    imgSrc: ['"self"'],
    logger: console,
    logLevel: 'warn',
    objectSrc: ['"none"'],
    reportUri: '/csp-report',
    sandbox: ['allow-forms', 'allow-scripts'],
    scriptSrc: ['"self"'],
    styleSrc: ['"self"'],
  jsonBody: {
    limit: '100kb',
    type: '*/json',
  logger: console,
  metrics: {
    uri: '/metrics',
  middlewares: {},
  urlEncodedBody: {
    limit: '100kb',
    type: '*/x-www-form-urlencoded',

const instance = server.listen(() => {
  const {port} = instance.address;
  console.info(`Listening on http://localhost:${port}`)

API Documentaiton


Returns a bootstrapped Express server. The :options parameter has the following schema:

Key Type Defaults To Description
enableCookies Boolean true Enables use of .cookies and .session in the request object in Express handlers
enableCors Boolean true Enables the use of Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing headers
enableCsp Boolean true Enables the use of Content-Security-Policy headers
enableJsonBody Boolean true Enables use of .body in the request object if the Content-Type matches the :jsonBodyType parameter
enableMetrics Boolean true Enables use of metrics
enableUrlEncodedBody Boolean true Enables use of .body in the request object if the Content-Type matches the :urlEncodedType parameter
cookies DataCookieOptions - Options for configuring cookies management
cors SecurityCorsOptions - Options for configuring CORS
jsonBody DataJsonOptions - Options for configuring parsing of JSON body data
logger Object console The logger to use for this server instance
metrics MetricsOptions - Configuration options for the metrics
middlewares CreateServerHooks {} Any pre/post middleware injections you may need
urlEncodedBody DataUrlEncodedOptions - Options for configuring parsing of URL encoded body data

Options Documentation

Options for cookies (DataCookiesOptions)

Key Type Defaults To Description
keys String[] [] Keys used to sign (index zero) and verify cookies (other index numbers)
name String "session" Name of the cookie
secret String - Secret used to compute the hash
domain String "localhost" Domain which the cookie is registered on
httpOnly Boolean true Set the HTTP-Only flag or not
maxAge Number 60e3 * 60 Maximum time the cookie is cacheable
path String "/" Path of the cookie

Options for cors (SecurityCorsOptions)

Key Type Defaults To Description
allowedHeaders String[] undefined Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Headers HTTP response header
credentials Boolean true Specifies if credentials are allowed
exposedHeaders String[] undefined Sets the allowed headers to be exposed
maxAge Number One day The maximum age of caching in milliseconds
methods String[] All HTTP methods The allowed HTTP methods
optionsSuccessStatus Number 204 Specifies the HTTP status code to send on OPTIONS success
preflightContinue Boolean true Specifies if the preflight response should be sent immediately (false) or not (true)
urls String[] [] An array of allowed URLs for which the Origin request header can be

Options for csp (SecurityCspOptions)

Key Type Defaults To Description
childSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the child-src in the CSP
connectSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the connect-src in the CSP
defaultSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the default-src in the CSP
disableAndroid Boolean false
fontSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the font-src in the CSP
imgSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the img-src in the CSP
logger Object console The logger object to use for logging
logLevel String "warn" The log level to use with the logger object. If this level is not found as a property of the logger object, an error will be thrown at runtime
objectSrc String[] ['"none"'] Sets the object-src in the CSP
reportUri URI "/csp-report" Sets the report-uri in the CSP where browsers will post to if a CSP violation is found.
sandbox String[] ['allow-forms', 'allow-scripts] Sets the sandbox in the CSP
scriptSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the script-src in the CSP
styleSrc String[] ['"self"'] Sets the style-src in the CSP

Options for jsonBody (DataJsonOptions)

Key Type Defaults To Description
limit String "100kb" Maximum size of the JSON body
type String "*/json" Pattern of the Content-Type HTTP header value to invoke JSON body parsing

Options for metrics (ObservabilityMetricsOptions)

Key Type Defaults To Description
uri String "/metrics" The endpoint where the metrics can be assessed from

Options for middlewares (CreateServerHooks)

Key type Defaults To Description
after RequestHandler[] [] Any post-initialisation middlewares
before RequestHandler[] [] Any pre-initialisation middlewares

Options for urlEncodedBody (DataUrlEncodedOptions)

Key Type Defaults To Description
limit String "100kb" Maximum size of the JSON body
type String "*/x-www-form-urlencoded" Pattern of the Content-Type HTTP header value to invoke JSON body parsing






This package is licensed under the MIT license.

View the license at LICENSE.




  • Added cookie sessions
  • Added CSP support
  • Added server middleware hooks
  • Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support
  • Cookie parsing
  • Basic HTTP header security
  • Parsing of JSON encoded boday data
  • Parsing of URL encoded body data


Name Email Website About Me
Joseph - https://github.com/zephinzer -
