
Web Component for displaying a full functioning paginator on a webpage.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vaadinComponentFactoryVcfPaginator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vaadin-component-factory/vcf-paginator';



Gitter npm version Published on Vaadin Directory

This is the npm version vcf-paginator developed using Polymer 3.

Live demo ↗ | API documentation ↗



Install vcf-paginator:

npm i @vaadin-component-factory/vcf-paginator --save


Once installed, import it in your application:

import '@vaadin-component-factory/vcf-paginator';

Add <vcf-paginator> component to page. Set total-pages and current-page attributes for the component.

<vcf-paginator id="my-paginator" total-pages="15" current-page="4"></vcf-paginator>

Running demo

  1. Fork the vcf-paginator repository and clone it locally.

  2. Make sure you have npm installed.

  3. When in the vcf-paginator directory, run npm install to install dependencies.

  4. Run npm start to open the demo.


To contribute to the component, please read the guideline first.

Vaadin Prime

This component is available in the Vaadin Prime subscription. It is still open source, but you need to have a valid CVAL license in order to use it. Read more at: https://vaadin.com/pricing


Apache License 2.0