
Select form control

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vclSelect from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vcl/select';


VCL select

Select form control.


A replacement of the standard HTML select form control. This component comprises only the input control, the dropdown is a suitable component for the drop-down that contains selectable items and opens when the input is focused.


The select is a specialization of the embedded input group (which is itself made from an input and a button). The basic version allows only to select values. Note that the input is using the readonly property and the vclReadonly class.

basic example

With the vclSelectEditable modifier, the input also allows write access. This is useful to add new entries or allowing the input of a phrase for filtering the selectable items.

editable example


  • vclSelect


  • vclSelectEditable: Make the input writable for allow for free text input.



example.html on GH-pages.