
<p> This component provides a table for managing review responses used on the review card component. <br> </p>

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vendastaReviewResponseTemplateManagement from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vendasta/review-response-template-management';



This component provides a table for managing review responses used on the review card component.


To setup the component, you will need to:

  1. Install the Reviews package into your project
      npm install @vendasta/review-response-template-management --save
  2. Set up a service in your project that implements ReviewResponseTemplateServiceInterface
  3. Provide the service in your projects module via injection token
    import { ReviewResponseTemplateManagementModule, ReviewResponseTemplatesServiceInterfaceToken } from '@vendasta/review-response-template-management';
    providers: [
    {provide: ReviewResponseTemplatesServiceInterfaceToken, useExisting: YourResponseTemplatesService}

Internationalization (i18n)

Like the review card, this ships with it's own translations!

Currently supported languages:

  • English
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Czech
  • Dutch

A few things to note:

  • Conflicting translation keys will be clobbered
    • All of the Response Table's translations start with "RESPONSE_TEMPLATE_TABLE", so conflicting translations shouldn't be an issue
  • Currently you will need to npm install @vendasta/review-response-template-management to receive updates to translations
    • This means that you may need to fix your usage of the review card if breaking changes happened since you last updated
    • Although, the translations are fairly mature so translation updates will probably be major like adding languages, not minor like fixing typos