
A Vendure plugin using the Advanced Shipping for calculate shipping to pickup in store

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vendureAdvancedShippingPickupInStore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vendure-advanced-shipping/pickup-in-store';



A plugin to pickup order in store.


  • A ShippingCalculator to create multiple stores to customer pickup the order based on Postal Code.
  • A PickupInStoreCronService that adds a cronjob that checks every day at mid night orders that its in the state of Packed in the interval of 7 days and that the shipping method its pickup-in-store (the same from the ShippingCalculator) after get, the service will cancel all of then.
  • A PickupInStoreCancelOrder event that fired whenever an Order is cancelled by Cron Job