
Utility to archive files matching glob paths.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vhtTarGlobs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vht/tar-globs';


A utility for creating .tar.gz archives that contain files that match a set of glob paths.

What this does

Loads a whitelist of files from a list of glob paths and compresses them into a .tar.gz file.


You can add this directly to a javascript project

yarn add @vht/tar-globs

yarn run tar-globs -i whitelist.globs -o archived.tar.gz

or use it in a non-javascript project by using npm or yarn to install it as a global command

yarn global add @vht/tar-globs

cd /your/project
tar-globs -i whitelist.globs -o archived.tar.gz

Help / Docs

Run tar-globs --help for usage.

Example glob file

A file containing one glob per line is used as the input (specified by the --input <file> option). For example:
