
Utilities to handle manipulation and normalization of VISTA RPC data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vistadataprojectRpcUtilities from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vistadataproject/rpc-utilities';


RPC Utilities

Utilities to handle manipulation and normalization of VISTA RPC data


This repository used to be titled rpcParseFormat, but because we've added more functionality to this low-level utility module, we decided to change the name. This library is intended to provide utility functionality to deal with low-level, raw VISTA RPC data. This includes:

  • Parsing (low-level RPC protocol strings to RPC data objects)
  • Formatting (RPC data objects to low-level RPC protocol strings)
  • Encryption/Decryption (encrypting and decrypting data based on the RPC protocol)
  • Normalization (JS Object representation and functionality for handling RPC data)