
Find any LinkedIn Profile and all its informations from an email.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import visumRunLinkedinFinder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@visum-run/linkedin-finder';


Node License AGPL Commercial License

Visum background

Visum LinkedIn Finder : From Email to LinkedIn Profile 📧 ➡ 👔

📚 Summary

This package allows to find from an email address, an associated LinkedIn profile and to retrieve all the information displayed on its LinkedIn profile instantly.

  • Retrieves information using the Outlook HACK.
  • Could be coupled with the outlook-token-auto-renew module (soon)
  • Runs on NodeJS.

🧰 Prerequisites

  • Have one or more Outlook accounts
  • Have one or more LinkedIn accounts (add us here 🦉)
  • Follow these steps to synchronize accounts with each other

👇 How it works ?

Microsoft owning Outlook, acquired LinkedIn in 2016 and gives its users the ability to directly access their contacts' LinkedIn information from within Outlook :

Outlook screenshot

Once one's Outlook account and LinkedIn are synced, you can use a token that expires after 24 hours to retrieve LinkedIn information from an email.

This package allows to retrieve automatically this token thanks to the cookie of the Outlook account and then to be able to find as many LinkedIn accounts associated to an email address.

We will use the __Host-MSAAUTH cookie and it does not expire.

⚠️ Warning : Don't overuse this hack. It's using your personnal API token binding your Outlook and LinkedIn account. If you're spamming their API servers, your LinkedIn or Outlook account may be restricted. So I recommend about a hundred uses per day maximum and per account. Do it with a fake LinkedIn account.

ℹ️ You can manage dozens of LinkedIn and Outlook accounts and generate tokens automatically for volume with the outlook-token-auto-renew module (soon)

ℹ️ You should have more matchs with personnal email than profesionnal email since people are registering on LinkedIn with their personnal email.

🛠️ Installation

npm install @visum-run/linkedin-finder

🚀 Quick Start

🍪 Get your cookie

Open your Network Monitor and log into your Outlook account.

Once the page is loaded, do a Crtl+f or Cmd+f and type MSAAUTH in the search bar.

You will find the cookie in the Response Headers of the login.srf request (in blue on the right) :

Outlook Cookie

Copy this value. You will need it to give it as a parameter to the function.

📝 Javascript Example

const finder = require('@visum-run/linkedin-finder')
const email = "example@gmail.com";
const cookie = "-CSUciV70WBGCI6CxrgdI3uRjcUC52NJ9kTAsI*!kGmivc7LLT1K1EWcHhMAy6d3bYvE06GMMJ8nOP1RJ7OR0DaRJJNh706qK24*LCt9Vi09hk7kK0Jxsmbgi2vFvt06FT2AQG0fklmJBWyhg5tmEaLb8Ln40ehOdC!VaMVtRWluoDnx6h*N5CCeZv5g8uGNaDlPrK!tZQY4VQ7OElCrekMgHRTiGHtYBjTNM9l2ImYa3rRxw2cl9yYIjiXwEXriQ7Q$";

const [linkedin, linkedinError] = await finder(mail, cookie)

if (linkedinError) throw Error("An error occured")


🤩 JSON Output

The output will be a JSON with the below format. Here's the exact output for my email iliesgraffion@gmail.com :

    "resultTemplate": "ExactMatch",
    "bound": true,
    "persons": [
            "id": "urn:li:person:DgFCGRHxENv_VYOIJUAP0ixeer-eGf037HN4DJRMA3Q",
            "displayName": "Iliès Graffion",
            "headline": "CEO Visum 🦉 & Co-founder Repos Digital ⛅",
            "companyName": "Repos Digital",
            "location": "Greater Paris Metropolitan Region",
            "photoUrl": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQHY9JVjFeZruw/profile-displayphoto-shrink_400_400/0?e=1614211200&v=beta&t=s_253lBxoNoZVWKa3Zj85tNkZWGExJnVHyIX-3eIxtA",
            "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/iliesgraffion-visum-find-stacks-of-anyone/",
            "reportProfileUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/iliesgraffion/report",
            "connectionCount": 500,
            "isConnectionCountObfuscated": true,
            "connectionDegree": "Self",
            "connectionStatus": "NotConnected",
            "skills": [],
            "locale": {
                "country": "us",
                "language": "en"
            "schools": {
                "educationsCount": 4,
                "educationHistory": [
                        "school": {
                            "schoolName": "ESILV - Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci",
                            "schoolLocation": "Courbevoie, Ile-de-France, France",
                            "schoolLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQG69M6NumF8QQ/company-logo_400_400/0/esilvparis_logo?e=1614211200&v=beta&t=o2cInG66AOaHPWSnpyey9ufiVA4JPbttr0dp_1Du650",
                            "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=42867"
                        "degreeName": "Engineering degree",
                        "startEndDate": {
                            "start": {
                                "year": 2017
                            "end": {
                                "year": 2020
                        "fieldOfStudy": "Computers, Big Data and Connected Objects",
                        "schoolName": "ESILV - Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci",
                        "schoolLocation": "Courbevoie, Ile-de-France, France",
                        "schoolLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQG69M6NumF8QQ/company-logo_400_400/0/esilvparis_logo?e=1614211200&v=beta&t=o2cInG66AOaHPWSnpyey9ufiVA4JPbttr0dp_1Du650",
                        "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=42867"
            "positions": {
                "positionsCount": 8,
                "positionHistory": [
                        "title": "Co-founder & CTO",
                        "startEndDate": {
                            "start": {
                                "month": 7,
                                "year": 2020
                            "end": {}
                        "description": "Repos Digital vous accompagne dans la suppression des données et la résiliation des contrats d'un défunt.",
                        "company": {
                            "companyName": "Repos Digital",
                            "companyLocation": "Paris, Ile-de-France, France",
                            "companyLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQFN0VMFEpvj1Q/company-logo_400_400/0?e=1614211200&v=beta&t=nL3munCdk7wI8urxGkcWBPq0e6Xu-Z-YnF5v2APUrzo",
                            "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/65841732/"
                        "companyName": "Repos Digital",
                        "companyLocation": "Paris, Ile-de-France, France",
                        "companyLogo": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQFN0VMFEpvj1Q/company-logo_400_400/0?e=1614211200&v=beta&t=nL3munCdk7wI8urxGkcWBPq0e6Xu-Z-YnF5v2APUrzo",
                        "linkedInUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/65841732/"
            "skillEndorsements": {
                "skillEndorsementsCount": 3,
                "skillEndorsements": [
                        "skillName": "AngularJS",
                        "endorsementCount": 11,
                        "endorsers": []
                        "skillName": "Java",
                        "endorsementCount": 11,
                        "endorsers": []
                        "skillName": "PHP",
                        "endorsementCount": 10,
                        "endorsers": []
            "newsMentions": {
                "newsMentionCount": 0,
                "newsMentions": []
            "userGeneratedContents": {
                "userGeneratedContentCount": 2,
                "userGeneratedContents": [
                        "description": "",
                        "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:6738049258005520384",
                        "createdOn": {
                            "month": 11,
                            "year": 2020,
                            "day": 27
                        "thumbnails": [],
                        "mediaCategory": "NONE"
                        "description": "",
                        "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:6737727212352491520",
                        "createdOn": {
                            "month": 11,
                            "year": 2020,
                            "day": 26
                        "thumbnails": [],
                        "mediaCategory": "NONE"


Here is a list of errors that the package can generate and that are handled :

Name Description
EMAIL_MUST_BE_STRING Email parameter is not a String
COOKIE_MUST_BE_STRING Cookie parameter is not a String
INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT Email regex didn't validate the parameter given
UNKNOWN_TOKEN_REQUEST_ERROR A problem during the request to get the bearer token
OUTLOOK_COOKIE_NOT_WORKING The cookie given was rejected by Outlook
ACCESS_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND The bearer token needed for getting linkedin profile was not found in the headers
INVALID_TOKEN_FORMAT The bearer token given doesn't have the requiered format
EXPIRED_TOKEN The bearer token given is expired
UNKNOWN_LINKEDIN_REQUEST_ERROR LinkedIn server returned an unexpected response

⚖️ License

visum-run/linkedin-finder's source code is provided under a dual license model.

Commercial license

If you want to use visum-run/linkedin-finder to develop commercial sites, tools, and applications, the Commercial License is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. Purchase an visum-run/linkedin-finder Commercial License at https://visum.run/pricing.

Open source license

If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU Affero GPL license v3, you may use visum-run/linkedin-finder under the terms of the AGPL-3.0.