WalletConnect v2.x.x
Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps -
Setup development
The following dependencies are required for relay server:
- git
- make
- docker version 20.10
To setup the local redis and relay server you can run:
make dev
Test Client
Client unit tests can be run against: local (make dev
), staging, and production server
# local (dev)
make test-client
# staging server
make test-staging
# production server
make test-production
Additional help
bootstrap-lerna setups lerna for the monorepo management
build-react-app builds the example react-app
build-react-wallet builds the example react-wallet
build-container builds relay docker image
build-lerna builds the npm packages in "./packages"
build-nginx builds nginx docker image
build builds docker images
clean-all cleans lerna bootstrap
clean removes all build outputs
cloudflare setups cloudflare API token secret
config configures domain and certbot email
deploy-monitoring same as deploy but also has monitoring stack
deploy deploys production stack with './config' file contents
dev runs relay on watch mode and shows logs
help Show this help
pull downloads docker images
redeploy redeploys the prodution containers and rebuilds them
relay-logs follows the relay container logs. Doesn't work with 'make dev'
reset removes config and lerna bootstrap
rm-redis stops the redis container
start-redis starts redis docker container for local development
stop stops the whole docker stack
test-relay runs "./servers/relay" tests against the locally running relay. Make sure you run 'make dev' before.
test-client runs "./packages/client" tests against the locally running relay. Make sure you run 'make dev' before.
test-production tests client against
test-staging tests client against
Apache 2.0