
This is a JavaScript parser for graph-cache library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vkontakteGraphCacheJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vkontakte/graph-cache-js';



This is a JavaScript parser for graph-cache library.


npm install --save graph-cache-js


const createGraphCache = require('graph-cache');
const jsParser = require('graph-cache-js');

function parser(parserOptions, sign, file, filename) {
  return jsParser(sign, file, filename, parserOptions);

const gcache = createGraphCache(parser.bind(null, parserOptions), sign, {});

Parser options

  • packageJSON — path to package.json which you use in your project, so that parser could walk dependencies from npm.

Important! It will only store and check versions of packets from npm. It won't walk your whole dependencies tree, so if you change files inside your node_modules — parser won't be able to detect those changes without changing version of the packet you're importing.


This library is tested using Mocha and Chai. You can run test suit with npm test. You can run npm run test-watch to rerun tests on file updates.


Issues and PR's are welcomed here.