
PiGallery: Photo Gallery and Analysis using TensorFlow/JS and EXIF metadata

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vladmandicPigallery from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vladmandic/pigallery';



Secure & fast multi-user image gallery with machine learning image processing and analysis

Key features

At it's core, PiGallery builds a database of images which includes

  • Image thumbnails for fast display
  • Image analysis using machine learning using multiple image classification and object detection models
  • Image perception hash to quickly locate duplicate image regardless of size or to search for simmilar images
  • Image conditions using analysis of camera settings
  • Person age, gender & emotion modelling and NSFW classification
  • Image geo-location
  • Lexicon definitions for complete image description
  • Analysis is always incremental so only new or modified images will be analyzed
  • All data is stored in a server-side database and original image is never modified

As an image gallery viewer, PiGallery provides

  • Secure, multi-user access to image database
  • Fully responsive design for desktop & mobile usage
  • Installable as an application (PWA) or can be used as a web page
  • Client-side caching with incremental updates
  • Flexible sorting and navigation using folders, locations or classes
  • Flexible natural language search
  • Quickly share generated albums with public users
  • Locate and select images on a world map
  • Find duplicate and/or simmilar images
  • View image slideshow
  • Multiple display themes (light & dark) and fully configurable user interface
  • Play with machine learning detection of live video using your camera

And it's FAST

  • Initial access (no cache) of database with 10,000 images completes in less than 1 minute (depending on your network speed)
  • Subsequent access (cached) with incremental database updates: less than 5 seconds for application startup and gallery load

If you'd like to include any additional image analysis (additional machine models or static analysis), drop a note!


Screenshot: Gallery view

alt text

Screenshot: Detailed View

alt text

alt text

Screenshot: Complex Search Results

alt text

Screenshot: Live Video

alt text

Screenshot: Image Processing

alt text

Install, Configure & Run


That's it!

  • Image samples are provided (note: all included photos are mine)
  • Default configuration should work out-of-the-box,
    only thing you must do is either add a user or disable authorization
  • Setup step provides default models


Edit config.json:

    // list of users and their home folders (which is relative to global server.mediaRoot property)
    // if server.authForce is set to true, at least one valid user should be configured
    // admin property controlls if user has rights to process images or just view them as well as to manage anonymous shares
    "users": [
      { "email": "user@example.com", "passwd": "test", "admin": true, "mediaRoot": "media/" },
    // predefined user used for anonymous sharing, only works with generated share links
    "share": {
      "email": "share@pigallery.ddns.net", "passwd": "d1ff1cuTpa33w0RD", "admin": false, "mediaRoot": "share/"
    // list of locations to scan for images to be processed
    "locations": [
      { "folder": "samples/", "match": ".jp", "recursive": true }
    "server": {
      "authForce": true, // force user authentication or allow anounymous users
      "httpPort": 8000, // http server port
      "httpsPort": 8080, // https server port
      "SSLKey": "/home/vlado/dev/piproxy/cert/private.pem", // https server key
      "SSLCrt": "/home/vlado/dev/piproxy/cert/fullchain.pem", // https server certificate
      "forceHTTPS": false, // redirect unsecure http requests to https
      "allowPWA": true, // allow application installation as pwa or limit to browser-only
      "logFile": "pigallery.log", // application log files
      "mediaRoot": "media/", // root folder for all image processing
      "allowedImageFileTypes": [ ".jpeg", ".jpg" ], // list of exensions that application will enumerate for processing
      "defaultLimit": 500, // number of images that server will send to browser in initial requests, remaining images are loaded in the background
      "db": "pigallery.db", // application image database
      "descriptionsDB": "assets/wordnet-synset.json", // application lexicon database, used during image processing
      "citiesDB": "assets/cities.json", // application geo-location database, used during image processing
      "warmupImage": "assets/warmup.jpg", // test image used to warm-up models at the start of image processing
    // how to handle sessions from authenticated users, probably no need to modify
    "cookie": {
      "path": "./sessions",
      "secret": "whaTEvEr!42", "proxy": false, "resave": false, "rolling": true, "saveUninitialized": false,
      "cookie": { "httpOnly": false, "sameSite": true, "secure": false, "maxAge": 6048000001000 }

Optionally edit client/config.js for image processing settings

  const config = {
    backEnd: 'webgl',     // back-end used by tensorflow for image processing, can be webgl, cpu, wasm
    floatPrecision: true, // use 32bit or 16bit float precision
    maxSize: 780,         // maximum image width or height that will be used for processing
    renderThumbnail: 230, // resolution in which to store image thumbnail embedded in result set
    batchProcessing: 1,   // how many images to process in parallel

Optionally edit client/model.js to select active models for both image processing and live video

For details on model configuration, how to fine-tune them as well as where to find and how to convert models, see https://github.com/vladmandic/pigallery/MODELS.md


Run server application using npm start

  • Optionally use provided pigallery.service as a template to run as a Linux systemd service

Use your browser to navigate to server

  • Default view is image gallery. If there are no processed images, it's blank
  • Select User->Update DB to start image processing
  • Select Live Video to process live video from your device camera

General Notes


Processing builds tags from all available image metadata:

  • Image Metadata:
    • Size, Creation and Modification timestamps
    • Camera & lens details and settings used for image capture
    • Software used for editing, etc.
    • GPS Coordinates Matched to location database for place description and location of nearest larger center for purpose of groupping
  • Image Analysis
    • Multiple iamge classification models
    • Multiple object detection models
    • Face age/gender/emotion detection
    • NSFW detection
    • Perception hash calculation Used to compare image simmilarity between any images or to find simmilar images
  • Lexicon lookups for any detected terms
    • This includes hierarchical lookups - for example, gown will also include dress, clothing, etc.

Collected metadata is additionally analyzed to render human-readable search terms

  • Age can be specified as: 20ies, 30ies, kid, old, etc.
  • Camera settings can be specified as: bright, dark, indoors, outdoors, etc.
  • Lens settings can be specified as: superzoom, zoom, portrait, wide, ultrawide
  • Special words can be used in search terms to form a sentence: the, a, in, wearing, having, etc.


Result of all metadata processing is a very flexbile search engine - take a look at this example:
"Happy female in 20ies in Miami wearing dress and dining outdoors"


Keyboard shortcuts

  ENTER : Execute any open input
  ESC   : Close any dialogs and reset view
  \     : Reload data
  /     : Open search input
  .     : Open sort interface
  ,     : Show/hide image descriptions in gallery view
  Arrow Left & Right : Previous & Next image when in detailed view
  Arrow Up & Down: Scroll up & down by one line when in gallery view
  Page Up & Down: Scroll up & down by one page when in gallery view
  Home & End: Scroll to start & end when in gallery view

Swipe controlss

  • Swipe down will refresh image database
  • Swipe left and right are previous and next image in details view
