
Grunt task for running jasmine-node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vlastikczGruntJasmineNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vlastikcz/grunt-jasmine-node';



This is fork of grunt-jasmine-node, which seems not to be maintained anymore.

The goal of this is to fix outdated and vulnerable dependencies, not to develop any new features or fix other non-security bugs.

No new packages should use this library, it's a temporary solution for legacy applications which are not ready to use another library yet.


A grunt.js task to run your jasmine feature suite using jasmine-node.

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-jasmine-node

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js grunt file:

  jasmine_node: {
    options: {
      forceExit: true,
      match: '.',
      matchall: false,
      extensions: 'js',
      specNameMatcher: 'spec'
    all: ['spec/']


grunt.registerTask('default', 'jasmine_node');


Help us squash them by submitting an issue that describes how you encountered it; please be as specific as possible including operating system, node, grunt, and grunt-jasmine-node versions.

Release History

see GitHub Repository.


Licensed under the MIT license.