
Simplecast gatsby theme.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vojtaholikGatsbyThemeSimplecast from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vojtaholik/gatsby-theme-simplecast';


Gatsby Theme Simplecast

Gatsby theme that sources data from Simplecast API which can be combined with Markdown files to associate more information to each episode. Inspired by syntax.fm.

→ Preview Theme


To use this theme in your Gatsby sites, follow these instructions:

  1. Install the theme
    yarn add @vojtaholik/gatsby-theme-simplecast
  2. Add the theme to your gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
    resolve: '@vojtaholik/gatsby-theme-simplecast',
    options: {
      podcastId: PODCAST_ID, // theme uses mockup data if no podcastId provided
      simplecastApiSecret: SIMPLECAST_API_SECRET, 
      markdownPath: 'content/episodes',

Plugin options

  • simplecastApiSecret: Grab your Simplecast API token here.
  • podcastId: Podcast ID can be found in your Simplecast account under embeds settings.
  • markdownPath: Path to your markdown files. For markdown file to show up, it's frontmatter.id must match episode.id.
  • episodeSlug: default "show". (/show/05/episode-title)
  1. Create index page in src/pages/index.js

    • You can use this example which displays latest episode by default.
  2. Start your site

    gatsby develop