
1. Installing Packages Open up the project you wish to prettify and these packages: ``` yarn add --dev lint-staged husky yarn add --dev @volta/eslint-config-volta ```

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import voltaEslintConfigVolta from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@volta/eslint-config-volta';



  1. Installing Packages Open up the project you wish to prettify and these packages:
yarn add --dev lint-staged husky
yarn add --dev @volta/eslint-config-volta
  1. Extending eslint Rules Modify your .eslintrc:
module.exports = {
  extends: 'eslint-config-volta/environment/react-native', // or whichever env you use
  1. Running Hooks on Git Commit Add precommit hooks to package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "precommit": "lint-staged",
    "lint": "eslint --fix src"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.js": [
      "yarn lint",
      "git add"

Explicit Rules and Reasoning

'array-bracket-newline': [ 'warn', { multiline: true }],

Error when an array has multiple items but is not formatted to be on muiltiple lines. Consistency wins readability.

'comma-dangle': [ 'warn', 'only-multiline' ],

Warn when you have a dangling comma on a non-multiline entity. Avoid syntax before-the-fact.

'function-paren-newline': [ 'error', 'consistent' ],

This rule errors when there are inconsistent newlines around function parentheses. Consistency wins readability.

'max-params': [ 'warn', { max: 4 }],

Warn when function argument list count reaches 4. Keep contracts down in complexity and for flexibility use named/typed object contracts.

Testing New Linting Rules

How do I know that the new eslint-config-volta will work good? Glad you asked partner! With our handy dandy yarn link testing's a doozy. Let me show yall:

  1. Run the following under your local version of eslint-config-volta with the branch you want to test:
cd ./eslint-config-volta
yarn link
  1. Next go to the repository you wish to test and run the following:
cd ../mobile # or whichever library you're testing
yarn link "@volta/eslint-config-volta"

More details can be found here: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/link/

Publishing to NPM

Run this command from the branch you want to make changes to

yarn publish

TODO (things we havent setup yet but want to do)

  1. Add in Visual Studio Code settings to repo TODO: automate this by copying this on package install
mv node_modules/eslint-config-volta/.vscode/ .vscode/
  1. Make git pretty for pull requests TODO: automate copying this file on the package install
cp node_modules/eslint-config-volta/.editorconfig .