
texfield component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vonageVwcTextfield from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vonage/vwc-textfield';



This component is an extension of <mwc-textfield>



Property Modifiers Type Description
autoValidate boolean
autocapitalize string
charCounter boolean \| "external" \| "internal"
disabled boolean
endAligned boolean
helper string
helperPersistent boolean
icon string
iconTrailing string
inputMode TextFieldInputMode
label string
max string \| number
maxLength number
min string \| number
minLength number
name string
outlined boolean
pattern string
placeholder string
prefix string
readOnly boolean
required boolean
selectionEnd readonly number \| null
selectionStart readonly number \| null
size number \| null
step number \| null
suffix string
type TextFieldType
validateOnInitialRender boolean
validationMessage string
validity readonly ValidityState
validityTransform ((value: string, nativeValidity: ValidityState) => Partial<ValidityState>) \| null
value string
willValidate readonly boolean
noActionsSync boolean Prevents auto sync between textfield attributes and action icon buttons attributes


Method Type
blur (): void
checkValidity (): boolean
click (): void
focus (): void
layout (): Promise<void>
reportValidity (): boolean
select (): void
setAriaLabel (label: string): void
setCustomValidity (message: string): void
setSelectionRange (selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: "forward" \| "backward" \| "none" \| undefined): void