
Command line utility to launch or debug Google's Extensible Service Proxy

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vroomlabsGrpcDocs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vroomlabs/grpc-docs';



Auto-generator for markdown documentation


$ npm install --save-dev @vroomlabs/grpc-docs


package.json script:

"scripts": {
    "doc": "grpc-docs"


If you are not already using gsdk-deploy, create the following deploy.yaml file in the root of your project.

# =============================================================================
# = Deployment configuration
# =============================================================================
  name: "search"
  host: "search-dev.catalog.com"
  google-project: "my-google-project-id"
  endpointFormat: ""
  env: []
# =============================================================================
  extends: dev
  google-project: "my-google-project-id"
  host: "search.catalog.com"
# =============================================================================

Changing Default Paths:

Modify package.json to include any or all of the following:

"grpc-docs": {
    "source": "./config/;./src/;"   // search path for all source files, default = /src;/config
    "deploy": "./deploy.yaml",      // where to find the above deploy.yaml file
    "docker": "./Dockerfile",       // where to find the associated docker file for run/env info
    "proto":  "./proto/",           // where to find proto files (if any)
    "output": "./README.md"         // where to write the output documentation file

Customizing Output:

Currently there is only one thing that can be manually written and automatically injected into the output, examples. Create a file named "examples.js" anywhere in the source search path. Export each example as a function from that source file.


 * A simple example method exists inside a file named "examples.js"
 * @param {string} text - A parameter we use in this example
function exampleMethodName(text) {
    // do something.