
Axios plugin that intercepts failed requests and retries them whenever possible, and runs concurrent requests after a set timeout.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vtexAxiosConcurrentRetry from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vtex/axios-concurrent-retry';



Axios plugin that intercepts failed requests and retries them whenever possible.


npm install @vtex/axios-concurrent-retry


// CommonJS
// const axiosRetry = require('@vtex/axios-concurrent-retry');

// ES6
import axiosRetry from '@vtex/axios-concurrent-retry';

axiosRetry(axios, { retries: 3 });

axios.get('http://example.com/test') // The first request fails and the second returns 'ok'
  .then(result => {
    result.data; // 'ok'

// Exponential back-off retry delay between requests
axiosRetry(axios, { retryDelay: axiosRetry.exponentialDelay});

// Custom retry delay
axiosRetry(axios, { retryDelay: (retryCount) => {
  return retryCount * 1000;

// Works with custom axios instances
const client = axios.create({ baseURL: 'http://example.com' });
axiosRetry(client, { retries: 3 });

client.get('/test') // The first request fails and the second returns 'ok'
  .then(result => {
    result.data; // 'ok'

// Allows request-specific configuration
  .get('/test', {
    'axios-retry': {
      retries: 0
  .catch(error => { // The first request fails
    error !== undefined

Note: the plugin interprets the request timeout as a global value, so it is not used for each retry but for the whole request lifecycle.


Name Type Default Description
retries Number 3 The number of times to retry before failing
retryCondition Function isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError A callback to further control if a request should be retried. By default, it retries if it is a network error or a 5xx error on an idempotent request (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT or DELETE).
retryDelay Function 0 A callback to further control the delay between retried requests. By default there is no delay between retries. Another option is exponentialDelay (Exponential Backoff). The function is passed retryCount and error.


Clone the repository and execute:

npm test


  1. Fork it: git clone https://github.com/softonic/axios-retry.git
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Added some feature'
  4. Check the build: npm run build
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request :D