
Component used to call a mutation that adds one item to the cart

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vtexBuyButton from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vtex/buy-button';



BuyButton is a canonical component that any VTEX store can install.


This component still under construction. Everything may - and will - break. Use with caution, and avoid for now its use in Production projects.


yarn add @vtex/buy-button
# or
npm install @vtex/buy-button


 * The quantity of products to be added to the cart
- quantity
  - Type: Number

 * The specification of which product will be added to the cart.
- skuId
  - Type: Number

 * Which seller is being referenced by the button.
- seller
  - Type: String

 * Sales channel.
- salesChannel
  - Type: String

 * Graphql property to call a mutation.
- mutate
  - Type: Function

 * Function that will be called after the mutation.
- afterClick
  - Type: Function

 * The user's cart id
- orderFormId
  - Type: String