
<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1626923/137092657-fb398d20-b592-4661-a1f9-4135db0b61d5.png" height="80px"/>  <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Magento_Logo.svg/2560px-Magento_Logo.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueStorefrontMagentoApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vue-storefront/magento-api';



Vue Storefront 2 integration with Magento


This is only the api-client package, you need to install the other dependencies also.

This project is a Magento 2 integration for Vue Storefront 2. This integration developed by superheroes from Caravel ❤️

All Contributors

How to start if you want to try out the integration

yarn global add @vue-storefront/cli
vsf init <project_name> && cd <project_name> && yarn && yarn dev

How to start if you want to contribute?

Want to contribute? Ping us on magento2-vsf2 channel on our Discord!


  • NodeJS v16 or later
  • Yarn
  • Magento >= v2.4.3 instance for GraphQL endpoint
  • Change Magento GraphQL Query Complexity and Depth values

Don't forget to change the Magento GraphQL Query Complexity and Depth values Magento 2 by default has a lower value for the complexity of 300, and a higher value for the depth of 20. Magento 2 - Issue #32427

The changes are required, due to the size of the queries and mutations in the api-client implementation.

To do this changes, you can use the Magento 2 module, which adds a configuration panel to your admin, or do this changes manually.

To install the Magento 2 GraphQL Config module, on your Magento installation execute:

composer require caravelx/module-graphql-config

php bin/magento module:enable Caravel_GraphQlConfig

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Find more information about the module GraphQl Custom Config


  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone your fork of the repo
    git clone https://github.com/vuestorefront/magento2.git
    cd magento2
  3. Checkout develop branch git checkout develop
  4. Run yarn to install dependencies
  5. Define a store running environment by adding a STORE_ENV to your running project or execute the code
    $ echo "STORE_ENV=dev" >> .env
  6. Copy config/example.json to an environment named config and update GraphQL Endpoint
    $ cp packages/theme/config/example.json packages/theme/config/dev.json
  7. Update magentoGraphQl with url to Magento >=2.4.2 GraphQL endpoint, and the other variable accordingly to your store configurations.
    "magentoGraphQl": "https://{YOUR_SITE_FRONT_URL}/graphql",
  8. Build dependencies yarn build:api-client && yarn build:composables
  9. Run yarn dev:theme to run theme. You can find other commands in package.json
  • If you need HMR on Api Client/Composables run yarn dev:api-client or yarn dev:composables on a separate terminal window.



If you have any questions about this integration we will be happy to answer them on magento2-vsf2 channel on our Discord.

Contributors ✨

Honorable Mentions

Thanks go to these wonderful people 🙌:

Heitor Ramon Ribeiro

💻 🚧 📖 📆

Alef Barbeli

💻 📖

Henrique Lopes

💻 📖

Đại Lộc Lê Quang


Bogdan Podlesnii


Patrick Monteiro


Kevin Gorjan


Bartosz Herba


Marcin Kwiatkowski

💻 📆

Filip Rakowski

💬 🧑‍🏫 👀

Filip Sobol

💬 🧑‍🏫 👀

Patryk Andrzejewski

💬 🧑‍🏫 👀

Renan Oliveira

🔧 🔌

Dominik Deimel

💻 📖

Lior Lindvor


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!