An extremely lightweight command-line utility to generate a bash script to backup all git repos in a github account.
Installation (global w/ npm):
npm install --global @warren-bank/node-github-backup-cli
Binary (global):
gh-backup <options>
Installation (local w/ wget via github):
mkdir 'workspace'
cd 'workspace'
wget --content-disposition --no-check-certificate ''
unzip ''
rm -f ''
cd 'node-github-backup-cli-master'
npm install
Binary (local):
npm start -- <options>
gh-backup <options>
Print a help message describing all command-line options.
Display the version.
Display all requested API URLs to stdout.
"-u" <username>
"--user" <username>
Specify the github username associated with git repo(s)
for which a backup will be created.
* "--user" and "--org" are mutually exclusive
* "--user" takes precedence
"-o" <organization>
"--org" <organization>
Specify the github organization associated with git repo(s)
for which a backup will be created.
* "--user" and "--org" are mutually exclusive
* "--user" takes precedence
"-t" <token>
"--token" <token>
Specify a "personal access token" for the chosen github account.
* "--user" or "--org" specify the github account
* without a token:
API access is limited to 60 requests per hour
* with a token:
API access is limited to 5,000 requests per hour
API Docs:
"-urt" <type>
"--user-repo-type" <type>
Specify a query parameter to filter the git repo(s) in backup.
Supported types:
"owner" only include repo(s) owned by the user
"member" only include repo(s) owned by an organization
for which the user is a member
Default type:
API Docs:
"-ort" <type>
"--org-repo-type" <type>
Specify a query parameter to filter the git repo(s) in backup.
Supported types:
Default type:
API Docs:
Should forked git repo(s) be excluded from backup?
Should private git repo(s) be excluded from backup?
Should archived git repo(s) be excluded from backup?
Should disabled git repo(s) be excluded from backup?
Include commands in the generated script to download
all file attachments for all releases for all repos in backup?
* one API request is required for each release
* without a token:
it is very likely that the command will fail,
as the result of rate limits on API access
API Docs:
Should draft release(s) be excluded from backup?
* only applies when "--include-release-attachments"
Should prerelease release(s) be excluded from backup?
* only applies when "--include-release-attachments"
Save JSON metadata to a file adjacent to the generated script?
Should the generated script NOT remove each cloned git repo directory
after it has been compressed?
"-ruf" <format>
"--repo-url-format" <format>
Specify the URL format used by git in generated script to clone each repo.
Supported formats:
"ssh" "${user||org}/${repo}.git"
"https" "${user||org}/${repo}.git"
"git" "git://${user||org}/${repo}.git"
Default format:
"ssh" when "--token" is specified
"https" otherwise
"-cf" <format>
"--compression-format" <format>
Specify the compression format.
This dictates which compression tool will be used in the generated script.
Supported formats:
"bzip2" tar -cjf directory.tar.bz2 directory
"gzip" tar -czf directory.tar.gz directory
"xz" tar -cJf directory.tar.xz directory
"zip" zip -r directory
"7za" 7za a directory.7z directory
"7z" 7z a directory.7z directory
Default format:
"bzip2" tar -cjf directory.tar.bz2 directory
"-P" <dirpath>
"--output-dirpath" <dirpath>
Specify the directory path in which to output the generated script.
* "--output-filepath" and "--output-dirpath" are mutually exclusive
* "--output-filepath" takes precedence
Default dirpath:
Default filename:
"-O" <filepath>
"--output-filepath" <filepath>
Specify the file path at which to output the generated script.
* "--output-filepath" and "--output-dirpath" are mutually exclusive
* "--output-filepath" takes precedence
- all of the following are equivalent:
gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' -urt 'owner' gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' -ruf 'https' gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' -cf 'bzip2' gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' -P './' gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' -O './'
- use a personal access token and include release attachments:
gh-backup -u 'warren-bank' -t "$GH_TOKEN" -ira -sjm
Script Configuration:
- The generated script includes an array variable for each command-line tool, that can be edited to add additional options to configure/customize its behavior:
- Node version: v6.4.0 (and higher)
- copyright: Warren Bank
- license: GPL-2.0