
A tool to transpiles a Typescript project into lua.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wartoshikaQhunTranspiler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wartoshika/qhun-transpiler';


Qhun Transpiler

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This tool helps to transpile Typescript into lua. The main goal was to support every aspect of Typescript. Typescript 2 and 3 are supported!

The following languages are currently supported:

  • LUA
  • World of Warcraft LUA Addon interpreter

Installation & Help

$ npm install -g --save-dev @wartoshika/qhun-transpiler
$ qhun-transpiler -h


You can run qhun-transpiler --init on the command line to automaticly create a qhun-transpiler.js file. This file will include the API and let you transpile all your files. The interfaces of the API are intellisense optimized and if you use a modern editor or IDE you should get information of the possible options.

This is an example of how your file could look like:

const Transpiler = require("@wartoshika/qhun-transpiler");

new Transpiler.Api("lua", {
    entrypoint: "./src/index.ts"
}).transpile().subscribe(pipeline => {



Some explanation: The first argument will tell the transpiler what your target is. The second argument is completly optional but let you configure the process of transpiling. These are the supported options:

  • entrypoint?: string: Relative path to the root file of your project
  • compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions: Advanced options used by the Typescript compiler. Use at your risk :)
  • watch?: boolean: Watches for file changes and automaticly trigger the transpiling process
  • overwrite?: complex: See the overwrite section for details.
  • configuration?: ApiConfiguration: More configuration. See below.


  • project?: complex: Project related meta information. Missing details will be read from your package.json file.
  • printFileHeader?: boolean: Print a file header in each generated file. This include the owner, version and a description
  • targetConfig?: complex: A config block for different transpiler targets. See the documentation section for more details.
  • directoryWithSource?: string: Targets to the sub directory of your project where your sourcecode is located. Eg. src


When the transpiled result does not fit your needs or you want to include a feature that is not directly supported by the transpiler, you can configure a feature overwrite within this configuration block.

This is an example where the break-keyword transpiling is overwritten:

const Transpiler = require("@wartoshika/qhun-transpiler");
const ts = require("typescript");

new Api("lua", {
    entrypoint: "./src/index.ts",
    overwrite: {
        [ts.SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword]: (node, nodeTranspiler, original) => {

            // yay, some info :)
            console.log("There was a break keyword while transpiling!");

            // use the original transpiler function to transpile a break keyword
            const originalTranspiledCode = original(node);

            // append some other transpiled sourcecode
            // the nodeTranspiler function comes from within the transpiler and
            // is able to transpile every ts.Node type object.
            const appendNewCode = nodeTranspiler(
                // this will transpile the numeric literal 2

            // add the new code after the break keyword
            // the result in this example will be: break 2
            return originalTranspiledCode + " " + appendNewCode;
}).transpile().subscribe(pipeline => {




You can find a documentation file for the desired target in the doc folder.

Known bugs in latest release

  • When using a number indexed object at default values in functions.
  • BITOPS OR does not work as expected in certain cases


MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.