
Use W with type checking and mock out of the box.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webLiteApiTypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@web-lite/api-types';



typescript interfaces and types for W api object


yarn add @web-lite/api-types --dev


npm install @web-lite/api-types --save-dev


import IWindow from '@web-lite/api-types';

const W = (window as IWindow).W;


  • Webstorm Webstorm indexing will find and use the type for W, no additioanl setup is needed

  • VSCode Add a reference to the typed file at heading when you want to use W APIs. VSCode will use its intellisense to suggest docs and auto-complete.

/// <reference path="node_modules/@web-lite/api-types/index.d.ts" />

Note: You may need to change the path of node_modules directory in workspace-configured projects.

Note: You can still use mocks.api

mock weblite api

import { mockWebliteApi } from '@web-lite/api-types';

// or
mockWebliteApi({ user: { firstname: 'custom_name', id: 'custom_id' } });
export interface IMock {
  config: {
    debug: boolean;
    timing: {
      initializeAsync: number;
      getProfile: number;
      shareDB: number;
      user: number;
      chat: number;
      message: number;
    storage: 'localStorage' | 'sessionStorage';
  __profile__: Record<string, any>;
  profile: {
    school?: {};

  __users__: Record<string, Omit<IMock['user'], 'getInfo'>>;
  user: {
    id: string;
    firstname: string;
    lastname?: string;
    username: string;
    profileImage?: string;
    bio?: string;
    getInfo: () => Omit<IMock['user'], 'getInfo'>;

  __wapps__: {
    wisId?: string;
    wappId: string;
    mode: RunningWappMode;
  wapps: {
    inputs?: Record<string, any>;
    admins?: string[];

  __chat__: Record<string, ChatInfo>;

  __db__: {};

This will only set window.W in development. process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !window.W