
Bundle and transform javascript files, stylesheets, html imports and update DOM document

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webmoduleBundle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@webmodule/bundle';


@webmodule/bundle -- bundle assets of an html document


  • recursively concatenate scripts, styles, and link[rel=import]
  • minify scripts and stylesheets
  • vendor autoprefixing of stylesheets, configurable through env, see browserslist
  • bundle everything in one single js file, or split in js / css.
  • prepend or append additional scripts, styles, or imports
  • exclude or ignore a tag by matching a url substring new in version 1.8.0: or a minimatch pattern with wildcard (see example below)
  • modify the DOM and outputs html
  • downloads remote scripts or stylesheets with whitelist (new in 1.7.0)
  • allows custom asynchronous DOM modifications (new in 1.6.0)
  • any kind of modules are supported, thanks to rollup
  • relative imports can be resolved using modules option.


npm install -g @webmodule/bundle


This saves modified html file, and styles are bundled into js file:

--html bundles/index.html
--js /bundles/index.js
-x jquery.js -x moment.js -i index.js
--prepend '/js/custom-elements.js'

This saves styles separately:

--html bundles/index.html
--css /bundles/index.css
--js /bundles/index.js
--exclude jquery.js
--prepend '/js/custom-elements.js'

This does not compress files, and specifies root dir

--html bundles/index.html
--css /bundles/index.css
--js /bundles/index.js
--exclude jquery.js
--prepend '/js/custom-elements.js'
--root public

A tool to bundle a bunch of files:

  --filter "**/excluded-*.*"
  --common common.html
  --suffix 1.0.0

it bundles common files then processes all files matching pattern and put everything with suffixes in a bundles/ directory.

See webmodule-bundle-all -h for more command-line options.

Paths are relative to the input file path.


webmoduleBundle(path, opts, cb)

where path is the path of the html file to process, and opts has these properties:

  • exclude: array of matched strings
  • ignore: array of matched strings
  • append: array of strings
  • prepend: array of strings
  • js: path relative to html file
  • css: path relative to html file
  • html: path relative to root
  • root: absolute mount path, defaults to current directory
  • custom: function(dom, opts, data) {} returning a promise
  • remotes: list of allowed remote domains to download from
  • modulesPrefix: the mount path for resolving node_modules ( becomes /node_modules/xxx/index.js), defaults to "/".
  • modulesRoot: where node modules are to be found. Defaults to ".".
  • assets: if set, copy stylesheets assets to this path relative to root.
  • analyze: boolean, get information about bundle

Strings are matched simply by searching a substring.

Tags without src or href attributes can be excluded or ignored by passing a dot ".", otherwise they are bundled.

Omitting js, css options skips the insertion of the corresponding tag in the html document.

If cb is omitted, returns a promise.

Returns an object with following properties:

  • js, css, html: the resulting js, css, html
  • scripts, stylesheets, assets, imports: the lists of processed files


webmodule-bundle --help


MIT, see LICENSE file.