
eslint plugin for vue-cli

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import winnerFedVueCliPluginEslint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@winner-fed/vue-cli-plugin-eslint';



ESLint plugin for vue-cli

Injected commands

  • vue-cli-service lint

    Usage: vue-cli-service lint [options] [...files]
      --format [formatter] specify formatter (default: codeframe)
      --no-fix             do not fix errors

    Lints and fixes files. If no specific files are given, it lints all files in src and test.

    Other ESLint CLI options are also supported.

Configuration (.eslintrc.*)

Lint-on-save during development with eslint-loader can be enabled with the lintOnSave option in vue.config.js:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  lintOnSave: true,

Installing in an already created project

npm install -D @winner-fed/vue-cli-plugin-eslint
vue invoke @winner-fed/vue-cli-plugin-eslint

There is also a shorthand to invoke the plugin
vue invoke @winner-fed/eslint

Injected webpack-chain rules

  • config.rule('eslint')
  • config.rule('eslint').use('eslint-loader')