
IP Geolocation provider

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wizdmIpinfo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wizdm/ipinfo';


IP-based Geolocation provider for Angular

The package provides an observable-based service emitting IP related geo-location data coming from one of the following API services:

  • IPList.cc - Free IP information, country level
  • IpInfo.io - Freemum (up to 50K request/month), country and city level
  • GeoJS.io - Highly available, free, country level
  • FreeGeoIP.app - Free IP Location API, country level The provider can be selected during module initialization.


Import the IpInfoModule module in your root module calling the static init() function to setup it up:

import { IpInfoModule, IP_LIST_CC } from '@wizdm/ipinfo';

  imports: [
      provider: IP_LIST_CC
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Usage Example

The package provides a IpInfo service to be used like an observable:

import { IpInfo, IpListCC } from '@wizdm/ipinfo';
export class MyComponent()

  private sub: Subscription;

  constructor(readonly info: IpInfo<IpListCC>) {

    this.sub = info.subscribe( data => {


  ngOnDestroy() { this.sub.unsubscribe(); }

Being an observable the IpInfo service can be used in a template too:

<p>{{ info | async | json }}</p>