
Custom Litecoin client and utilities used by XChainJS clients

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xchainjsXchainLitecoin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@xchainjs/xchain-litecoin';





yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-client

Following peer dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @xchainjs/xchain-litecoin.

yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-client @xchainjs/xchain-crypto @xchainjs/xchain-util axios bitcoinjs-lib coininfo wif

Service Providers

This package uses the following service providers:

Function Service Notes
Balances Sochain https://sochain.com/api#get-balance
Transaction history Sochain https://sochain.com/api#get-display-data-address, https://sochain.com/api#get-tx
Transaction details by hash Sochain https://sochain.com/api#get-tx
Transaction fees Bitgo https://app.bitgo.com/docs/#operation/v2.tx.getfeeestimate
Transaction broadcast Bitaps https://ltc.bitaps.com/broadcast
Explorer Blockstream https://blockstream.info

Sochain API rate limits: https://sochain.com/api#rate-limits (300 requests/minute)

Bitgo API rate limits: https://app.bitgo.com/docs/#section/Rate-Limiting (10 requests/second)

Bitaps API rate limits: Standard limit 15 requests within 5 seconds for a single IP address.


Initialize client and use class methods:

import { Client, Network } from '../src/client'

// Create a new client interface
const ltcClient = new Client({ network: Network.Testnet })

// Set phrase
ltcClient.setPhrase('phrase here')

// Get address
const address = ltcClient.getAddress()

// Get balance
const balance = await ltcClient.getBalance()

// Transfer with feeRate
const txid = await ltcClient.transfer({ asset: AssetLTC, recipient: 'recipient address here', amount: baseAmount(100, LTC_DECIMAL), feeRate: 1 })

// Transfer with default feeRate (default is `fast`)
const txid = await ltcClient.transfer({ asset: AssetLTC, recipient: 'recipient address here', amount: baseAmount(100, LTC_DECIMAL) })

// Get fee estimations
const { fast, fastest, average } = await ltcClient.getFees()

// Get feeRate estimations
const { fast, fastest, average } = await ltcClient.getFeeRates()

// Search transactions
const transactions = await ltcClient.getTransactions({ address: 'address here', limit: 4 })

// Get a transaction with a given txId/hash
const txData = await ltcClient.getTransactionData('b660ee07167cfa32681e2623f3a29dc64a089cabd9a3a07dd17f9028ac956eb8')