
Promise.all + map for all iterables

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xenOrchestraAsyncMap from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@xen-orchestra/async-map';



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Promise.all + map for all iterables


Installation of the npm package:

> npm install --save @xen-orchestra/async-map


asyncMap(iterable, iteratee, thisArg = iterable)

Similar to Promise.all + Array#map for all iterables: calls iteratee for each item in iterable, and returns a promise of an array containing the awaited result of each calls to iteratee.

It rejects as soon as te first call to iteratee rejects.

import { asyncMap } from '@xen-orchestra/async-map'

const array = await asyncMap(iterable, iteratee, thisArg)

It can be used with any iterables (Array, Map, etc.):

const map = new Map()
map.set('foo', 42)
map.set('bar', 3.14)

const array = await asyncMap(map, async function ([key, value]) {
  // TODO: do async computation
  // the map can be accessed via `this`

Use with plain objects

Plain objects are not iterable, but you can use Object.keys, Object.values or Object.entries to help:

const object = {
  foo: 42,
  bar: 3.14,

const array = await asyncMap(
  async function ([key, value]) {
    // TODO: do async computation
    // the object can be accessed via `this` because it's been passed as third arg

asyncMapSettled(iterable, iteratee, thisArg = iterable)

Similar to asyncMap but waits for all promises to settle before rejecting.

import { asyncMapSettled } from '@xen-orchestra/async-map'

const array = await asyncMapSettled(iterable, iteratee, thisArg)


Contributions are very welcomed, either on the documentation or on the code.

You may:

  • report any issue you've encountered;
  • fork and create a pull request.


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