
Various constants, utility types, and typed functions for MongoDB-based projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xunnamiusMongoTypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@xunnamius/mongo-types';


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This package contains several TypeScript utility types and helper functions for use with MongoDB-based projects.


npm install --save-dev @xunnamius/mongo-types


You can use this library's exports in your TypeScript projects like so:

import type { DUMMY_BEARER_TOKEN } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

// ...

await specialAuthentication({ token: { bearer: DUMMY_BEARER_TOKEN } });

Type and Constant Glossary

This package exports the following:


This string represents a token that is guaranteed never to appear in dummy data generated during tests. In production, this string can be used to represent a null or non-existent token. This string cannot be used for authenticated HTTP access to the API.

import type { NULL_BEARER_TOKEN } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

if (doAuth({ bearerToken: NULL_BEARER_TOKEN })) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...


This string represents a token that is used by database initialization and activity simulation scripts. This string cannot be used for authenticated HTTP access to the API.

import type { MACHINE_BEARER_TOKEN } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

if (doAuth({ bearerToken: MACHINE_BEARER_TOKEN })) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...


This string represents a token that allows authenticated API access only when running in a test environment (i.e. NODE_ENV=test). This string cannot be used for authenticated HTTP access to the API in production.

import type { DUMMY_BEARER_TOKEN } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

if (doAuth({ bearerToken: DUMMY_BEARER_TOKEN })) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...


This string represents a token that is guaranteed to be rate limited when running in a test environment (i.e. NODE_ENV=test). This string cannot be used for authenticated HTTP access to the API in production.

import type { BANNED_BEARER_TOKEN } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

if (doAuth({ bearerToken: BANNED_BEARER_TOKEN })) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...


This string represents a token that can be used to authenticate with local and non-production deployments. This string cannot be used for authenticated HTTP access to the API in production.

import type { DEV_BEARER_TOKEN } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

if (doAuth({ bearerToken: DEV_BEARER_TOKEN })) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...


This type represents a basic credentials entry in the well-known "auth" collection. More complex credential types must extend from this base type.

import type { InternalAuthEntry } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

export async function isAuthOk({ token }: { token: Record<string, unknown> }) {
  return (await getDb({ name: 'system' }))
    .findOne({ token })
    .then((r) => !!r);


This type represents a bearer token entry in the well-known "auth" collection.

import type { InternalAuthEntry } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

export async function isAuthOk({ token }: { token: { bearer: string } }) {
  return (await getDb({ name: 'system' }))
    .findOne({ token })
    .then((r) => !!r);


This type represents an entry in the well-known "request log" collection.

import type { InternalRequestLogEntry } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

export async function insertLog({ req }: { req: NextApiRequest }) {
  await (await getDb({ name: 'system' }))
      ip: getClientIp(req),
      method: req.method || null,
      route: req.url || null,
      resStatusCode: res.statusCode as HttpStatusCode,
      time: Date.now()


This type represents an entry in the well-known "limited log" collection.

import type { InternalLimitedLogEntry } from '@xunnamius/mongo-types';

export async function isRateLimited(ip: string | null, token: string | null) {
  return !!(await (
    await getDb({ name: 'system' })
      $or: [...(ip ? [{ ip }] : []), ...(token ? [{ token }] : [])],
      until: { $gt: Date.now() } // ? Skip the recently unbanned
    .sort({ until: -1 })

Function Glossary

The following functions are available: (none yet)


Further documentation can be found under docs/.


FOSSA analysis

Contributing and Support

New issues and pull requests are always welcome and greatly appreciated! 🤩 Just as well, you can star 🌟 this project to let me know you found it useful! ✊🏿 Thank you!

See CONTRIBUTING.md and SUPPORT.md for more information.