
render formula with mathjax in react

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import yozoraReactMathjax from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@yozora/react-mathjax';



Rendering formula with mathjax in react. Inspired by react-mathjax and react-mathjax2.

The default version is mathjax@2.7.4.


  • npm

    npm install --save @yozora/react-mathjax
  • yarn

    yarn add @yozora/react-mathjax


  • Basic:

    import React from 'react'
    import { MathJaxProvider, MathJaxNode } from '@yozora/react-mathjax'
    const code = `
        f(x) = \\left\\lbrace
            &x^2, &x < 0 \\\\
            &\\frac{1}{x^3}, &x > 0
    const wrapper = (
        <MathJaxNode inline={false} formula={code} />


  • MathJaxProviderProps

    interface MathJaxProviderProps {
      * Sub components.
      children?: React.ReactNode
      * Contents / Animation displayed at waiting MathJax loading.
      * @default null
      loading?: React.ReactNode
      * http / https url for loading mathjax.
      * @default 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.4/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML'
      mathjaxSrc?: string
      * Mathjax config
      mathjaxConfig?: MathJaxConfig
      * Mathjax options.
      mathjaxOptions?: {
        * Delay between updates.
        * @default 0
        processSectionDelay?: number
        * Type of the formula string.
        * @default 'tex'
        language?: 'tex' | 'asciimath'
      * Triggered on mathjax loaded.
      * @param MathJax
      onLoad?(MathJax: MathJax): void
      * Triggered on mathjax thrown an error.
      * @param MathJax
      * @param error
      onError?(MathJax: MathJax, error: any): void
  • MathJaxNodeProps

    interface MathJaxNodeProps {
       * The literal formula string.
      formula: string
       * Whether to render the formulas in inline mode.
       * @default false
      inline?: boolean
       * CSS class name.
      className?: string
       * CSS style properties
      style?: React.CSSProperties
       * On mathjax rendering.
      onRender?(): void
