
Illuminating the forest AND the trees in your data.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import Lumenize from '';



Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Lawrence S. Maccherone, Jr.

Illuminating the forest AND the trees in your data.


  • Implementation of DSL and visualization patterns from Larry Maccherone's PhD
  • Hierarchical OLAP cubes
  • Date-time precision optimized for charting: timezone manipulation (eg America/New_York), knockout weekends/holidays, non-workhours, work in any granularity (year, quarter, week, day, hour, etc.), etc.
  • Tested
  • Documented
  • DocTested





Installation and developing

To install in the node_modules directory of your project, run the following from the root folder of your project:

npm install Lumenize

To install globally:

sudo npm install -g Lumenize

Or if you want the latest from source, download/clone from GitHub and run:

cake install

If you want to add functionality to Lumenize and submit a pull request, add tests for your upgrades and make sure all test pass with:

cake test

Also, add examples in the "docstrings", then generate the docs (which will also confirm that the examples give the expected output when run):

cake docs

Documentation and source code