
Painless testing with Mocha

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import abacusMocha from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/abacus-mocha';



Painless testing and code coverage with Mocha and Istanbul.

The mocha and abacus-mocha executables support the following options:

-f, --file <suffix>    test file should end with the suffix provided; Default: test.js
--no-color             do not colorify output')
--grep <pattern>       only run tests matching <pattern>
--fgrep <string>       only run tests containing <string>
--invert               inverts --grep and --fgrep matches'
-t, --timeout <number> timeout in ms; Default: 60000 ms

The module exposes the following global utility functionality:

  • chai: Chai module
  • expect: Chai expect
  • assertPromise: Chai assert
  • sinon: Sinon module
  • spy: Sinon spy
  • stub: Sinon stub
  • assert: Sinon assert
  • stubModule: function for stubbing modules
  • eventually: function for retrying until an expectation is met or interval times out
  • setEventuallyPollingInterval: sets eventually polling interval
  • setEventuallyTimeout: sets eventually timeout
  • resetEventuallyConfig: resets eventually configuration