
The code is generated automatically by referring to the pattern file.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import accp from '';


Auto Create Code with Pattern files

Built to automatically create API codes or documents using concise code. You can change the code to what you want by using the pattern.


npm install accp -g

Visual Code Extension

Visual Code Extension Program accp language

Open the file with the extension( .api, .code, .struct ).

Enter the ctrl + k m (change language mode ) command.

Select Accp and apply it.


accp --examples <folder>

An example file is created within the <folder>. Example project used a Swift pattern.

The folder structure is as follows.

api : Default document defining API( .api ).

code : Error Code Definition and Translation( .code ).

struct : Structure used in API( .struct ).

pattern : Custom pattern files( .js ).

*** All files and folders are required.**


accp --compile

Compile progresses with reference to pattern file. Compilation results are returned to OBJ and GEN.

module.exports = function( OBJ, GEN ) { 
  /* Please write your code */ 

The following code shall be included in the pattern/*.js file.

Compile result

Return value


GEN is a function that helps you create files.

var api = new GEN( "file path" )

method encoding ) : Create write stream, default encoding utf8.

api.print( string ) : Write the content.

api.close() : Close write stream.


Object created through accp --compile.

OBJ = {

  API: [ ( CLASS ) {
      BASE: String,
      NAME: String,
      MARK: String,
      FUNC: [ ( FUNC ) {
          CODE: Int,
          NAME: String,
          DESC: String
          /* Request method: address */
          ( GET | PUT | POST | DELETE ): String
          /* Completion status */
          COMP: ( true | false )
          /* Associative process */
          PROC: [ {
              CODE: Int ( CLASS.FUNC.CODE ),
              NAME: String ( CLASS.FUNC.NAME )
          }, ... ],
          /* Comments about this function */
          MARK: [ {
              NAME: String,
              MARK: String
          }, ... ],
          REQ: [ ( DATA ) {
              NAME: String,
              MARK: String,
              CLASS: String,
              ARRAY: ( true | false ),
              OPTION: {

                  key: String,
                  key: String, ...
          }, ... ],
          /* Be the same as REQ */
          RES: [ { ... } ],
          /* User defined value */
          OPT: {
              key: ( true | false ),
              key: ( true | false ), ...
      }, ... ]
  }, ... ],
  CODE: [ ( CLASS ) {
      NAME: String,
      MARK: String,
      CODE: [ {

          CODE: Int,
          NAME: String,
          MARK: {
              key: String,
              key: String, ...
      } ],
  }, ... ],
  STRUCT: [ {
      NAME: String,
      MARK: String,
      /* Be the same as REQ.DATA */
      DATA: [ { ... } ]
  }, ... ]


accp language is provided as a visual code extension program.


Usage prefix

api : Snippet for api.

api class : Snippet for api class.

api function : Snippet for api function.


Usage prefix

code : Snippet for code.

code class : Snippet for code class.

code function : Snippet for code function.


Usage prefix

struct : Snippet for struct.

struct function : Snippet for struct function.

Raw data provided







Change Log

1.0.4-beta : Replace sample files.

1.0.5-beta : Usage prefix explain add.

1.0.6-beta : Homepage domain change.

1.0.7-beta : Change to compile based on each api file.

1.0.8-beta : Solving a problem in which request partial detail information is truncated to spacing.

1.0.9-beta : Fixed an issue where the COMP value was unconditionally true.

1.2.1-beta : Addition of the PUT, PATCH, DELETE request method ( Consequently, it supports GET | PUT | POST | PATCH | DELETE ).

1.2.2-beta : Fixed a bug that would not output if 'import' was used in the variable name.



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