
An easy to use and customisable snackbar component to use on any project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ackbarSnackbar from '';


ackbar-snackbar logo

📦 <ackbar-snackbar>

A small, very easy to use and highly customisable snackbar component to use on any project.

ackbar-snackbar It's a trap

🍕 Try it out on the Ackbar Snackbar Sandbox


📖 Table of Contents

🌈 Installation

npm i ackbar-snackbar

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Import the module into your project

    • You can add it to an html file
    <script src="node_modules/ackbar-snackbar/dist/index.js"></script>
    • or import it on a JS file
     import 'ackbar-bar.js';
  2. Add the element to your page (for instance as the last element before the </body>)

  3. To create a snackbar dispatch a ackbar-snackbar-add event from any element on your page

    const snackbarOptions = {
        duration: 4000,
        message: `This is an awesome snackbar`,
        variant: 'success'
    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ackbar-snackbar-add', {
        bubbles: true,
        composed: true,
        detail: snackbarOptions

👷‍♂️ Options

There are several options that you can customize when you create a snackbar.

To set any option, just pass it into the snackbar options object in the ackbar-snackbar-add event. For instance to set a custom animation name:

window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ackbar-snackbar-add', {
  bubbles: true,
  composed: true,
  detail: {
    message: `This is an awesome snackbar`,
    animationName: 'slide-in',

If an option isn't passed in the options object, the default value will be used.

Animation Duration

Set the duration of the show and hide animations (in milliseconds).

Option Name Default Type Required
animationDuration 500 Number no


// Set custom animation duration
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is the snackbar message',
  animationDuration: 1000

Animation Name

Choose which animation you want to use to show / hide the snackbar

Option Name Possible values Default Type Required
animationName 'default', 'slide-in', 'zoom' 'default' String no


// Set custom animation name
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is the snackbar message',
  animationName: 'slide-in'

Button Callback

You can specify a callback function that will be called when the snackbar button is clicked

Option Name Default Type Required
buttonCallback null Function no


// Set a custom callback function
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a snackbar message',
  buttonCallback() { console.log('Hello World') }

Button Text

Set the text to be displayed on the snackbar button.

Option Name Default Type Required
buttonText null String no


// Set custom button text
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a snackbar message',
  buttonText: 'OK'

Custom Classes

Add custom classes to the snackbar element

Option Name Default Type Required
customClasses null String no


// Set custom classes
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a super cool snackbar message',
  customClasses: 'my-class my-other-class'


Set how long the auto snackbar (refer to type) will be displayed (in milliseconds).

Option Name Default Type Required
duration 4000 Number no


// Set custom duration
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a snackbar message',
  duration: 8000

Hide Callback

You can specify a callback function that will be called when the snackbar hide animation finishes

Option Name Default Type Required
hideCallback null Function no


// Set a custom callback function
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a snackbar message',
  hideCallback() { console.log('Snackbar closed') }


Set the message that will be shown on the snackbar.

Option Name Default Type Required
message 'Ackbar snackbar: It's a snackbar' String yes


// Set custom duration
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a super cool snackbar message',

Show Callback

You can specify a callback function that will be called when the snackbar show animation finishes

Option Name Default Type Required
showCallback null Function no


// Set a custom callback function
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a snackbar message',
  showCallback() { console.log('Snackbar opened') }


Set the type to choose between a snackbar that is automatically dismissed or a snackbar that stays visible until the user clicks the dismiss button.

Option Name Possible values Default Type Required
type 'auto', 'dismiss' 'auto' String no


// Set custom duration
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a super cool snackbar message',
  type: 'dismiss'


Choose one of the different snackbar variants to set the snackbar "style" (background-color, ...).

Option Name Possible values Default Type Required
variant 'default', 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'info' 'default' String no


// Set custom duration
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a super cool snackbar message',
  type: 'dismiss'


Set the size of the snackbar

Option Name Possible values Default Type Required
size 'small', 'normal', 'large' 'normal' String no


// Set custom duration
const snackbarOptions = {
  message: 'This is a super cool snackbar message',
  size: 'small'

✏️ Attributes

You can also set some attributes directly on the element.


Set the position of the snackbars inside the browser window

Attribute Name Possible values Default Type Required
position 'top left', 'top center', 'top right', 'middle left', 'middle center', 'middle right', 'bottom left', 'bottom center', 'bottom right' 'bottom left' String no


<!-- set snackbar container position -->
<ackbar-snackbar position="top right"></ackbar-snackbar>

✨ CSS Variables

You can further customize the snackbars by adding your custom styles using the available custom CSS Variables


/* Add to your css */
acbar-snackbar {
    --ackbar-color-success: green;


CSS Variable Name Description Default
--ackbar-color-bg Background color of the default snackbar rgb(53, 53, 53)
--ackbar-color-success Background color of the success variant snackbar rgb(105, 199, 109)
--ackbar-color-error Background color of the error variant snackbar rgb(234, 94, 94)
--ackbar-color-warning Background color of the warning variant snackbar rgb(241, 153, 78)
--ackbar-color-info Background color of the info variant snackbar rgb(47, 162, 255)
--ackbar-color-text Message text color on success, error, warning and info variants rgb(255, 255, 255)
--ackbar-color-button-default Button text color rgb(149, 104, 228)
--ackbar-color-button-background Button background color transparent
--ackbar-color-button-background-hover Button background color on hover rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)
--ackbar-padding-normal Snackbar padding 1rem
--ackbar-button-padding Padding on the snackbar button 0.125rem 0.5rem
--ackbar-spacing-normal Spacing between snackbars .25rem
--ackbar-margins Container's distance to page border 1rem
--ackbar-width Snackbar width 25rem
--ackbar-max-width Snackbar maximal width calc(100vw - calc(var(--ackbar-margins) * 4))
--ackbar-line-height Line height 1.2
--ackbar-button-opacity Set the button's opacity .75
--ackbar-button-opacity-hover Set the button's opacity on hover 1
--ackbar-base-font-size Base font size for the snackbar elements 1rem
--ackbar-radius-normal Border-radius (on the snackbar and the button) .25rem
--ackbar-opacity Opacity of the component 1
--ackbar-grid-gap Set gap between the message and the button 1rem
--ackbar-box-shadow Set the box-shadow on each snackbar none