
> # IMPORTANT > > `ackee-http-client` was renamed to [`@ackee/antonio`]( The repository is available on [Github](

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ackeeHttpClient from '';



ackee-http-client was renamed to @ackee/antonio. The repository is available on Github.


The HTTP client uses axios for making all HTTP requests and ackee-redux-token-auth for setting a access token to HTTP Authorization header.

Table of contents


Using yarn:

$ yarn add ackee-http-client

Using npm:

$ npm install ackee-http-client


Initialization is a simple 2 steps process.

By creating a new instance of HttpClient, you will get api, authApi objects and saga function. Then you connect the saga among your other sagas. That's all.

1. Create httpClient instance

Create one httpClient instance object per project.

import { create } from 'ackee-http-client';

const { api, authApi, saga } = create({
    baseURL: '',

export { api, authApi, saga };

2. Launch HttpClient saga

import { saga as httpClient } from 'Config/http-client';

export default function*() {
    // httpClient saga must come before redux-token-auth saga
    yield all([httpClient()]);


api - unauthorized requests

See available properties of the api object.

import { api } from 'Config/http-client';

async function fetchTodo(todoId) {
    const response = await api.get(`/todos/${todoId}`, {
        // overwrite the default baseURL
        baseURL: '',


authApi - authorized requests

By using methods under authApi object, it's guaranteed that each HTTP request is going to have access token in its Authorization header.

If the access token isn't available at the moment, the request is paused by take(ACCESS_TOKEN_AVAILABLE) effect, and timeout, if enabled, is set. See accessTokenUnavailableTimeout at create method for more details.

See available properties of the authApi object.

import { authApi } from 'Config/http-client';

async function fetchPost(postId) {
    const response = await authApi.get(`/posts/${postId}`);


Shared defaults

Even though api and authApi are created as separated axios instances, they share the same default request config object - api.defaults and authApi.defaults. This issue/feature is caused by how axios is implemented and ackee-http-client won't change it. Just don't be surprised, when you see the Authorization header also in requests created by the api.


create(axiosRequestConfig: Object, customConfig: Object) => httpClient:Object

This method receives two objects as arguments.

  • axiosRequestConfig: Object

    The axiosRequestConfig is reserved for axios default request configuration, see available options.

  • customConfig: Object

    The customConfig object offers following default options:

        // If `manageAuthHeader` is true, then when access token state changes,
        // the `setAuthHeader` is triggered.
        // If it's false, `setAuthHeader` won't be ever triggered.
        manageAuthHeader: true,
         * If `manageAuthHeader` is enabled, `setAuthHeader` receives
         * object with default headers, when access token state changes.
         * @param {Object} headers - reference to axios default request headers object (
         * @param {String|null} accessToken
        setAuthHeader(headers, accessToken) {
            if (accessToken) {
                // `common` indicates that it's a default header for all HTTP methods
                headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
            } else {
                delete headers.common.Authorization;
        // If it's used `authApi` and access token isn't available,
        // there is optionable timeout with following default values:
        accessTokenUnavailableTimeout: {
            // enable / disable the timeout
            enabled: false,
            // set timeout duration for 30s
            duration: 1000 * 30,
            // if silent is true, then throw a custom error,
            // othewise API request will be made that fails,
            // and throws a server error
            silent: false,

And returns:

  • httpClient: Object

    api, authApi

    The httpClient object contains two axios instances: api and authApi with the same properties:

    • api.request(config)
    • api.get(url[, config])
    • api.delete(url[, config])
    • api.head(url[, config])
    • api.options(url[, config])
    •[, data[, config]])
    • api.put(url[, data[, config]])
    • api.patch(url[, data[, config]])
    • api.getUri([config])
    • api.defaults
    • api.interceptors
    • uriParams: Object - Key-value object containing request uri params. Params that are found in url are replaced, rest is ignored.

      yield api.get('/todos/:todoId', {
          baseURL: '',
          uriParams: {
              // ':todoId' will be replaced with '1'
              todoId: '1',
              // 'foo' will be ignored and won't be added as a query parameter
              foo: '2,

      See rest of available options - axios/request-config


    Internal saga primarily for communication with ackee-redux-token-auth.


import { create } from 'ackee-http-client';

const { authApi } = create(
        baseURL: '',
        // Customize setting of the authorization header
        // by providing a custom setAuthHeader method:
        setAuthHeader(headers, accessToken) {
            if (accessToken) {
                headers.common.Authorization = accessToken;
            } else {
                delete headers.common.Authorization;

async function fetchTodo() {
    const response = await authApi.get('/todos/1');


Saga Effects

Custom Saga effects with built-in cancelation of API requests, see the docs.