
Display an icon button that permit to add or remove from favorites items into uPortal

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import actionFavorites from '';


Basique usage

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="DEPLOYED_PATH/action-favorites.js?v=0.1.0"></script>

  <action-favorites fname="" chan-id="" is-favorite="" favorite-api-url="" call-on-toggle-fav=""></action-favorites>

  • fname: Optional, to set a functional name class on component
  • chanId: Required, id of the channel, used in favorite request
  • is-favorite: Required, default is false, needed to get the initial state if the channel is in favorites
  • favoriteApiUrl: Optional, usefull to override the default request based on a different contextPath than "/uPortal/"
  • callOnToggleFav: Optional, usefull to call a function after the favorites action is pressed and the request succeed.