
A component meant to facilitate movement through a 3D environment via gaze-based input. Can be handy for cardboard movement.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aframeTravelNode from '';



A component meant to facilitate movement through a 3D environment via gaze-based input. Can be handy for cardboard movement.

By adding the travel-node to an entity, you can make the camera move to that position after it has received a 'click' event from the cursor.




The base name of the component is travel-node. In addition, there is a travel-node-defaults component to setup default values for all travel-node components.


There are three ways for the target to be transitioned from its current position to the entity's position.


The active camera will fade out. Once it has faded out, the target will jump to this entity's position. The camera will then fade back to the scene. The animationDur and animationEase properties can be used to control the fading animation.

This transition is on by default.


The target will be instantly jumped to this entity's position with no animation.


The target will move to this entity's position. The animationDur and animationEase properties can be used to control the target's animation.


Property Description Default value
axis What axises(x, y and z) will be copied when the target is moved to this position x,z
animationDur How long the animation will take during movement in miliseconds 100
animationEasing What easing will be used during the animation linear
offsetX How far the target will be offset from this entity's x-axis 0
offsetY How far the target will be offset from this entity's y-axis 0
offsetZ How far the target will be offset from this entity's z-axis 0
transition What transition will be used during movement. Available options: fade, jump or move fade
travelTarget A query selector indicating what entity will be moved [camera]


By setting the travel-node-defaults component on the a-scene element, you can setup default values that will be used on all travel-node elements in the scene.


    <a-scene travel-node-default="axis: x,y,z; offsetY: 0.75">
        <a-sphere id="node-fade" position="2 0.25 0" radius=".25" color="#4CC3D9" travel-node></a-sphere>
        <a-sphere id="node-move" position="-2 0.25 0" radius=".25" color="#EDC34C" travel-node="transition: move"></a-sphere>
        <a-plane position="0 0 0" rotation="-90 0 0" width="5" height="5" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane>
        <a-entity position="1 0.75 1" camera look-controls wasd-controls>