
Automated Functional Testing (AFT) package supporting UI testing in mobile apps with support for BrowserStack, Sauce Labs and Local Appium

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aftUiMobileApps from '';



Automated Functional Testing (AFT) package providing Appium-based MobileAppFacet extends AbstractFacet Plugins and BrowserStack, Sauce Labs and Appium Grid ISession Plugins extending the aft-ui package. This enables testing using BrowserStack's, Sauce Labs's or a Local Selenium Grid for any Mobile Device application tests.


> npm i aft-ui-mobile-apps

Creating your own Facets for use in testing

Take the following as an example of how one could interact with the following Android App

Step 1: create the View Facet

export class WikipediaView extends MobileAppFacet {
    readonly locator: string = '//*';
    private _searchButton = async (): Promise<Element<'async'>> => await this.getElement({locator: "~Search Wikipedia", maxWaitMs: 10000});
    private _searchInput = async (): Promise<Element<'async'>> => await this.session.driver.$('android=new UiSelector().resourceId("org.wikipedia.alpha:id/search_src_text")');
    private _searchResults = async (): Promise<ElementArray> => await this.getElements({locator: "android.widget.TextView", maxWaitMs: 10000});
    async searchFor(term: string): Promise<string[]> {
        await this._searchButton().then(async b => await;
        await this.sendTextToSearch(term);
        return await this.getResults();
    async sendTextToSearch(text: string): Promise<void> {
        await this._searchInput().then(async i => await i.addValue(text));
    async getResults(): Promise<string[]> {
        let resultsText: string[] = [];
        var searchResults: ElementArray = await this._searchResults();
        for (var i=0; i<searchResults.length; i++) {
            let res: Element<'async'> = searchResults[i];
            let txt: string = await res.getText().catch(err => err);
        return resultsText;

Step 2: use them to interact with the mobile application

await verifyWithMobileApp(async (mav: MobileAppVerifier) => {
    await mav.logMgr.step('get the WikipediaView Facet from the Session...');
    let view: WikipediaView = await mav.session.getFacet(WikipediaView);
    await mav.logMgr.step('enter a search term...');
    await view.searchFor('pizza');
    await mav.logMgr.step('get the results and ensure they contain the search term...');
    let results: string[] = await view.getResults();
    let contains: boolean = false;
    for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
        let res: string = results[i];
        if (res.toLowerCase().includes('pizza')) {
            contains = true;
    return contains;

aftconfig.json keys and values supported by aft-ui-mobile-apps package

    "mobileappsessiongeneratorpluginmanager": {
        "pluginNames": [
        "searchDir": "../"
    "browserstackconfig": {
        "user": "%browserstack_user%",
        "key": "%browserstack_key%",
        "debug": true,
        "local": false,
        "localIdentifier": "abcdefg"
    "browserstackmobileappsessiongeneratorplugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "platform": "android_11_+_+_Google Pixel 5",
        "app": "bs://some-identifier-for-your-uploaded-app"
    "saucelabsconfig": {
        "username": "%saucelabs_username%",
        "accessKey": "%saucelabs_accesskey%",
        "tunnel": false,
        "tunnelId": "abcdefgh"
    "saucelabsmobileappsessiongeneratorplugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "platform": "android_4.4_+_+_Samsung Galaxy S5 Device",
        "app": ""
    "appiumgridsessiongeneratorplugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "platform": "android_10_+_+_Samsung Galaxy S7",
        "url": "",
        "remoteOptions": {
            "capabilities": {
                "your-custom-key": "your-custom-value"
  • browserstackconfig - only required if referencing browserstack-mobile-app-session-generator-plugin in the pluginNames array of the mobileappsessiongeneratorpluginmanager section of your aftconfig.json file
    • user - [REQUIRED] the BrowserStack username for the account to be used
    • key - [REQUIRED] the BrowserStack accesskey for the account to be used
    • debug - a boolean value indicating if the browserstack.debug capability should be included
    • local - a boolean value indicating if sessions should connect via an already running BrowserStack Local VPN (defaults to false)
    • localIdentifier - a string containing the BrowserStack Local localIdentifier to use when connecting to a Local VPN instance. only required if local is set to true and your Local VPN instance is using a localIdentifier
  • browserstackmobileappsessiongeneratorplugin - only required if referencing browserstack-mobile-app-session-generator-plugin in the pluginNames array of the mobileappsessiongeneratorpluginmanager section of your aftconfig.json file
    • app - [REQUIRED] the bs:// path to your mobile application (.apk or .ipa) or the custom_id or sharable_id used when uploaded
    • platform - a TestPlatform string like android_11_+_+_Google Pixel 5 specifying the OS, OS Version and Device to use
    • url - an alternative url for BrowserStack's grid hub (defaults to if not specified)
    • remoteOptions - an object containing keys and values to be used when creating your BrowserStack MobileApp Session. this can be used to override default RemoteOptions.capabilities or to add additional ones (defaults to none)
  • saucelabsconfig - only required if referencing sauce-labs-mobile-app-session-generator-plugin in the pluginNames array of the mobileappsessiongeneratorpluginmanager section of your aftconfig.json file
    • username - [REQUIRED] the Sauce Labs username for the account to be used
    • accesskey - [REQUIRED] the Sauce Labs accesskey for the account to be used
    • tunnel - a boolean value indicating if sessions should connect via an already running Sauce Labs tunnel VPN (defaults to false)
    • tunnelId - a string containing the Sauce Labs tunnelIdentifier to use when connecting to a tunnel VPN instance. only required if tunnel is set to true and your tunnel VPN instance is using a tunnelIdentifier
  • saucelabsmobileappsessiongeneratorplugin - only required if referencing sauce-labs-mobile-app-session-generator-plugin in the pluginNames array of the mobileappsessiongeneratorpluginmanager section of your aftconfig.json file
    • app - [REQUIRED] the path to your mobile application (.apk or .ipa) used when uploaded to Sauce Labs
    • platform - a TestPlatform string like android_11_+_+_Google Pixel 5 specifying the OS, OS Version and Device to use
    • url - an alternative url for Sauce Labs' grid hub (defaults to if not specified)
    • remoteOptions - an object containing keys and values to be used when creating your Sauce Labs MobileApp Session. this can be used to override default RemoteOptions.capabilities or to add additional ones (defaults to none)
  • appiumgridsessiongeneratorplugin - only required if referencing appium-grid-session-generator-plugin in the pluginNames array of the mobileappsessiongeneratorpluginmanager section of your aftconfig.json file
    • platform - a TestPlatform string like android_11_+_+_Google Pixel 5 specifying the OS, OS Version and Device to use
    • url - [REQUIRED] the url of your running Selenium Grid instance
    • remoteOptions - an object containing keys and values to be used when creating your Appium Grid MobileApp Session with this can be used to override default RemoteOptions.capabilities or to add additional ones (defaults to none)