
Akera service/daemon module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import akeraService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/akera-service';


Akera Logo

Akera service/daemon module.


$ npm set registry "http://repository.akera.io/"
$ npm install akera-service



To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test.

Quick Start

While in Unix having a daemon program ran as a service - automatically start when the server starts, is not a difficult task for Windows OS that requires a few more hops therefore the akera-service module was added.

This can also be used separately although it's main purpose is to be used in akera.io servers - the application server, the web service and also the newly added administration service can all be installed as a service now.

With this one can basically start any node.js daemon as a service using a simple configuration: - name: the service name is mandatory, this is how the service will be shown in the services list. - description: optional service description. - start: this can be only the start-up script full path if no additional arguments are needed. - script: the full path of the start-up script. - args: if additional arguments need to be passed to the start-up script. - stop: this is optional, only if the service need to be nicely closed through a shutdown script - it can be only the shutdown script full path if no additional arguments are needed. - script: the full path of the shutdown script. - args: if additional arguments need to be passed to the shutdown script.

var svc = require('akera-service');

var config = {
   name : 'akera sample',
   start : {
      script : 'c:/temp/service.js',
      args : 'start'
   stop : {
      script : 'c:/temp/service.js',
      args : 'stop'
   path : 'c:/temp',
   description : 'Akera sample service'

svc.install(config, function(err) {
   if (err)
      console.log('install error', err.message);
      console.log('service installed');


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