
Wrap npm scripts in alarmist jobs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import alarmistNpm from '';



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Wrap npm scripts in alarmist jobs


It is expected that your project already has alarmist installed

npm install --save-dev alarmist alarmist-npm

You can then add something like the following to your package.json scripts (using mocha for tests and chokidar to watch for changes)

  "scripts": {
    "cmd:test": "mocha",
    "alarmist:test": "chokidar \"+(src|test)/**/*\" -c \"alarmist-npm cmd:test\"",

The job name will default to the script name.

Usage: alarmist-npm [options] <script> [<arg>...]

Start a job using an npm script name. The working directory
should match the working directory of the monitor and usually this will
be the default. If the job is started via a watcher started
by the monitor then the 'ALARMIST_WORKING_DIRECTORY' environment
variable will have already been set.

<script>: The command to start the job
<arg>: arguments for the command

Environment Variables:


    --name, -n            The name to use for the job, defaults to the script name
    --working-dir, -w     The directory in which to write logs, etc (default: ".alarmist")
    --service, -s         Flag the job as a service (default: false)
    --force-color, -c     Set the FORCE_COLOR environment variable for the job (default: true)
    --silent, -q          Set the silent flag for npm run (default: true)
    --help, -h            Show help
    --version, -v         Show version number


Run lint, tests, build, etc before pushing/submitting PRs

  • npm test - lint and test
  • npm run build - run tests then build
  • npm run watch - watch for changes and run build
  • npm run ci - run build and submit coverage to coveralls
  • npm start - watch for changes and build, lint, test, etc in parallel with alarmist