
Alfred workflow, which translates in ru-en/en-ru directions, save words to favorites.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import alfredTranslayta from '';



Translate with Google Translate in Alfred (en-ru / ru-en). Save to favorites. Finally, learn the words.

Alfred Translayta is an Alfred workflow, which lets you easily translate en-ru, ru-en pairs, add words to favorites and have convenient way to review and memorize them later.



  • Auto translate direction
  • Auto-correction of misspelled words
  • Get last translation details from the cache
  • Translate selected text in OS


  • Add/Edit/Delete into favorites
  • Switch to learning mode
  • Search in normal/learning mode
  • Auto save favorites to a file on disk


You need Node.js 12+ and Alfred 3 or 4 with the paid Powerpack upgrade.


$ npm install --global alfred-translayta


Open Alfred and type t or press Cmd+Shift+K and:

  • to get translation:
    • start typing words or phrases in english or russian
  • to get previous translation from cache:
    • press spacebar
  • access the favorites:
    • type .
  • show favorites without translations(aka "learning mode"):
    • type ..
    • by pressing Alt button you can see translations of selected word


Cmd+Shift+K — to open workflow main window

Cmd+Shift+J — to open favorites list (shortcut for Cmd+Shift+K + and entered .)


How it is different

There are a lot of more popular alfred workflows for translation. I really like 2 of them:

  • alfred-translate — ideological inspiration (python + yandex translate). The problem for me here is all yandex services are restricted in Ukraine. Plus some python errors after a few translations while using VPN(maybe this is just a local problem).
  • alfred-polyglot — technical inspiration (node + google translate). Alfred-polyglot is really cool, you can translate to any language or set default translation pair, but the translations are restricted to only 1 option and really often it was not a best fit.

The best code is no code at all

Why another solution? It was an idea to mix both solutions and to get the best features of each: auto lang. detection, multiple options for translation and of course favorites list.

Moreover, favorites was the main feature I needed so bad. There are plenty of difficult words for me, which I translate over and over and still can't remember their meaning and translation. Instead, I would really like to have a place for all these words, which I could access even when my laptop is offline. So here it is!


Tech Inspired by alfred-translate and alfred-polyglot. Based on Alfy and google-translate-api

Visual All icons are taken from, so many kudos and thanks to the authors