
Typescript library for aligning texts on one line. Very useful for menus in bots and small fiscal printers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import alignTextLine from '';


Face with hat, glasses and tie. And litle icon of the align text in botton.
Align Text Line

Typescript library for aligning texts on one line. Very useful for menus in bots and small fiscal printers.

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Technologies   |    Prerequisites   |    How To Use   |    How To Contribute   |    License

🚧 Under construction.

:warning: Atention

For a beautiful alignment use monospace fonts.

:rocket: Technologies

:warning: Prerequisites

To use and test the application, you must have already set up the development environment for NodeJS applications. You can install and configure NodeJS:

:information_source: How To Use

# Start the app
$ yarn add align-text-line
# or
$ npm install align-text-line


import align from 'align-text-line'

const textAlignedLeft = align.leftAligned('text', '-', 30)
const textAlignedRight = align.rightAligned('text', '-', 30)
const textAlignedCentralized = align.centralized('text', '-', 30)
const textAlignedWithSpaceCentralized = align.leftRightAligned(

:information_source: How To Contribute

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js v12.18 or higher + Yarn v1.22 or higher installed on your computer. From your command line:

Fork the repository

Forking Repository clicking in the fork button on top right button on screen
# Clone this forked repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd align-text-line

# Add this remote repository
$ git remote add mckatoo

# Update your local repository if necessary
$ git fetch mckatoo

# Merge your local repository with recentily pushed
$ git merge mckatoo/master

# Push local repository updated for your remote repository
$ git push

# Never work on the main branch
$ git checkout -b your-branch

# There, you can start the job.

# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# or
$ npm install

# Run the app
$ yarn develop
# or
$ npm run develop

# After the modifications are finished, do it.
$ git add .
$ git commit

# This project uses commitizen and commitlint to standardize and organize commits.
# Follow the steps indicated by commitizen.

# After committing, it's time to send your branch
$ git push origin your-branch

# To open a pull request go to your github repository and click on the green button labeled 'Compare & pull request'
# Check all the data and describe the pull request with clear and direct information.
# Click on the green button labeled 'Create pull request'.
# Okay, now just wait for approval or not.

For a better illustration of the process, follow a video by Diego Fernandes of RocketSeat

:memo: License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.

Made with ♥ by Milton Carlos Katoo :wave: Get in touch!