
Show heartbeat status of services in Web UI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import amqHeartbeatGui from '';


This little Web UI shows heartbeat status for messages sent with amqp-heartbeat package to RabbitMA and collected via amqp-heartbeat-to-mongodb package to a MongoDB.

demo screen shot

This is more a demo, how to start a Web GUI for heartbating services.

The GUI uses the Easy-Web-App Node.js package. Please check the docu there, how to add security or change the view or add pages and functionality.

Full Set Up

MongoDB (Docker)

docker pull mongo
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

Service With Heartbeat

See amqp-heartbeat example

Heartbeat-To-MongoDB Service

See amqp-heartbeat package

Heartbeat Web UI

node index.js --mongoHost=localhost 

Open the URL http://localhost:8888/heartbeat/index.html in your browser.

Run as Docker Container

docker build -t heartbeat/gui .
docker run -d --link mongodb:mongo -p 8888:8888 --name heartbeat-gui heartbeat/gui