
Easy customization Angular 5-8 locale with mnemonic parameters

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import angularCustomLocale from '';



Helps to customization Angular 5.x-8.x locale


Imagine that we need to change view of numbers, in whole project. And this project already use some locale. I.e. our components uses in declaration providers: {provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'ru'}. So let is magic begin.

// app.module.component.ts

// Boilerplate
import customizeLocale from 'angular-custom-locale';
import { registerLocaleData } from '@angular/common';

// Imports russian locale: where numbers outputs like 1234.56 => 1 234,56 
import localeRu from '@angular/common/locales/ru';

// clone locale for safe use
import cloneDeep from 'cloneDeep';
let customizedLocaleRu = cloneDeep(localeRu);

// Some hacks (i.e. magic): mutate locale (I plan to change this beehaviour in latest versions)
customizeLocale(customizedLocaleRu, {
  numbers: {
    decimal: '.', // decimal separator, was ','
    group: '',    // number group separator, was ' '
    nan: '-'      // not a number message, was 'не число' (not a number), but I not sure, that it uses anywhere

// And now numbers output will be like 1234.56 => 1234.56. Just a magic for no magic)
// If we need change locale settings for whole project without declare locale providers, here is really dirty hack
// We can change default locale. If you know right way let me know)
registerLocaleData(customizedLocaleRu, 'en');


This is Objech where first level of keys means group name of changing items, 2nd level - means items names. All not case sensitive.

Now supported only one section 'number'. If you need more group, drop me a line.

List of items:

  • decimal - decimal separator
  • group - digits group separator
  • list - list separator
  • percentSign - % (percent sign)
  • plusSign - + (plus sign)
  • minusSign - - (minus sign)
  • exponential - exponential
  • superscriptingExponent - superscripting exponent
  • perMille - ‰ (per-mille)
  • infinity - ∞ (infinity sign)
  • nan - not a number string
  • timeSeparator - time separator>

Is it legal? Or (at least) good practice?

I hope so. Angular trought 5 to 8 versions has no changes... in format of locales files. Of course, I can't guarantee it will not changed in Angular 9 (or even 8.xx). I just can promise to add some hack in this module if it will fired.


Angular imports data for locales from CLDR. So I just use names from xml (e.g. here)

  <symbols numberSystem="latn">
    <group> </group>
    <list draft="contributed">;</list>
    <plusSign draft="contributed">+</plusSign>
    <minusSign draft="contributed">-</minusSign>
    <nan>не число</nan>
    <timeSeparator draft="contributed">:</timeSeparator>


  • Add more sections (on demand)
  • Change mutation behaviour to safe
  • Fixes this README (ough, my English)
  • Write descriptions for "internal" but exported functions setItem & getItem
  • Add warnings (or restictions for Angular 9+)

Just write me if I'll can help you,.. or you can help me (pull request or any advises)