
Angular service for matching url fragment during route navigation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import angularFragmentMatcher from '';



Provide url fragment matching capability which can be used for routing based on fragment changes. By default angular router doesnt support routing based on url fragment. The service allows the user to define routes, so that the application can navigate based on fragment changes.

For instance, we can define a route to load a component for creating a new object, when the url provided contains e.g. <appurl>/states/#new


Angular route fragment matcher demo : Demo

Edit on StackBlitz ⚡️

User Guide

Install angular-fragment-matcher using the npm

$ npm i angular-fragment-matcher

Configuring route config

Define the route for which you intend to use the url fragment for routing

Configuring metadata

The RouteMatchService.urlFragmentMatcher requires metadata config data, inorder to match a route successfully. The following config information need to be provided in data object for the route config

 matcherconfig : {
  fragment: 'new' // the name of the fragment which will be checked 
                  // i.e. <appurl>\states\#new

Complete route config, will look as follows:

const routes: Routes = [{
    path: "",
    children : [{
      component: StateComponent,
      matcher: RouteMatchService.urlFragmentMatcher,
      data : {
        matcherconfig : {
          fragment: 'new'

Inject RouteMatchService

Inorder to configure route config to use custom url matcher, we need to inject the RouterMatcherService in the feature module.

import { RouteMatchService, RouteMatchModule } from 'angular-fragment-matcher';

Add the RouteMatchModule to the imports collection

  imports: [ ..., RouterModule.forChild(routes), RouteMatchModule ],
  declarations: [ ... ],
  providers: [ {
    provide: RouteMatchService,
    useFactory : getRouteMatchService, 
    deps : [ Router ]
    } ],
  exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class StatesModule {
  constructor(private routeMatchService: RouteMatchService) {}