
Make simple query on a SQLite database

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import angularSqlQuery from '';



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Get Started

bower install angular-sql-query --save

Include angular-sql-query.js (or angular-sql-query.min.js) from the dist directory in your index.html, after including Angular itself.

Add 'sf.sqlQuery' to your main module's list of dependencies.

When you're done, your setup should look similar to the following:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">

    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/angular-sql-query/angular-sql-query.min.js"></script>
      var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['sf.sqlQuery']);


For using this module, your database need to be architectured with these fields:

  • id: Unique key for data.
  • payload: Object data stringify with angular.toJson.

For some extra helpers regarding storage, you can look at this module angular-sql-storage.


var user = new SqlQueryService(name, databaseFn, options);


  • name [String] - Table name
  • database [Function] - Function that return SQL database instance.
  • options [Function] - Query options
    • indexed_fields [Array] - Reference field by adding a column in the table.
function databaseInstance() {
  return $q.when($window.openDatabase('test', '1', 'database', 200000));
var user = new SqlQueryService('user', databaseInstance, {
  indexed_fields: ['name'],

API Documentation


Get data by its id


  • id: Data id

Returns: payload



All datas

Returns: [Array] payload



All datas corresponding to query.

If field is referenced in options, query can be set directly in SQl Query. Also, a javascript filter is used.

You need to pass an object; the key is the field name and the value is the query value.

  • You can pass an Array to make a IN query.
  • You can pass a Boolean for a 1 or 0 query.
  • You can pass an RegExp to make a LIKE query.


  • params: [Object] Filter datas

Returns: [Array] payload

  name: ['Jean', 'Paul'],
  connected: true


Save new object data


  • id: Data key
  • datas: Data object

Returns: [Object] Data saved

user.saveBackUp(1, { name: 'Jean', connected: false });


Update database object


  • data: Object datas (with id).

Returns: [Object] Data updated

user.updateBackUp({ id: 1, name: 'Paul', connected: false });


Remove database object


  • id: Object key.

Returns: SQL remove result



Modify multiple datas

It's possible to update or remove datas with one method called.

You can delete a data by setting an the object key _delete to true.


  • datas: Array of objects to update.

Returns: SQL update result

  id: 1, name: 'Jean', connected: true,
  id: 2, name: 'Paul', connected: false, _deleted: true


Directly make an SQL query.


  • query: SQL query.
  • datas: SQL params.

Returns: SQL result

user.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=?', [1]);