
用于动态修改less变量 实现动态切换antd主题颜色,其他插件支持度待开发。

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import antdThemeChanger from '';



用于动态修改less变量 实现动态切换antd主题颜色,其他插件支持度待开发。


使用less.js内置方法 window.less.modifyVars({themeVariables})动态修改less变量色值以改变界面显示颜色


  • npm install -D antd-theme-changer


const path = require('path');
const antdThemeChanger = require("antd-theme-changer");
const options = {
  stylesDir: path.join(__dirname, './src'),
  antDir: path.join(__dirname, './node_modules/antd'),
  varFile: path.join(__dirname, './src/styles/vars.less'),
  indexFileName: 'index.html',
  generateOnce: false, // generate color.less on each compilation

Add this plugin in plugins array.

Property Type Default Descript
antDir string - This is path to antd directory in your node_modules
stylesDir string - This is path to your custom styles root directory, all files with .less extension in this folder and nested folders will be processed
varFile string - Path to your theme related variables file
themeVariables array [...all] List of variables that you want to dynamically change
indexFileName string index.html File name of your main html file, in most cases it is index.html which is default
lessUrl string less.js cdn or file path
publicPath string '' This string will be prepended to /color.less in index.html file in case
generateOnce boolean false Everytime webpack will build new code due to some code changes in development, this plugin will run again unless you specify this flag as true which will just compile your styles once
customColorRegexArray array ['color', 'lighten', 'darken', 'saturate', 'desaturate', 'fadein', 'fadeout', 'fade', 'spin', 'mix', 'hsv', 'tint', 'shade', 'greyscale', 'multiply', 'contrast', 'screen', 'overlay'].map(name => new RegExp(${name}\(.*\)))] This array is to provide regex which will match your color value, most of the time you don't need this
import darkVars from "antd-theme-changer/src/dark.json"; // 暗黑主题
import lightVars from "antd-theme-changer/src/light.json"; // 明亮主题

let vars = darkVars;

window.less.modifyVars(vars) // 切换主题方法
      .then(() => {
        // message.success(`Theme updated successfully`);
        this.setState({ vars, themeName: key });
        this.setState({ vars });
        localStorage.setItem("app-theme", JSON.stringify(vars));
        localStorage.setItem("theme-name", key);
      .catch(error => {