
Easy to use anti-spam system for discord inspired by discord-anti-spam

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import antiSpamSystemDiscord from '';



Version Documentation License: MIT

Easy to use anti-spam system for discord inspired by discord-anti-spam


npm install anti-spam-system


const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const AntiSpamSys = require('discord-anti-spam');
const antiSpamSys = new AntiSpamSys({
    warnThreshold: 3, // Amount of messages sent in a row that will cause a warning.
    muteThreshold: 4, // Amount of messages sent in a row that will cause a mute
    kickThreshold: 7, // Amount of messages sent in a row that will cause a kick.
    banThreshold: 7, // Amount of messages sent in a row that will cause a ban.
    maxInterval: 2000, // Amount of time (in milliseconds) in which messages are considered spam.
    warnMessage: '{@user}, Please stop spamming.', // Message that will be sent in chat upon warning a user.
    kickMessage: '**{user_tag}** has been kicked for spamming.', // Message that will be sent in chat upon kicking a user.
    muteMessage: '**{user_tag}** has been muted for spamming.',// Message that will be sent in chat upon muting a user.
    banMessage: '**{user_tag}** has been banned for spamming.', // Message that will be sent in chat upon banning a user.
    maxDuplicatesWarning: 7, // Amount of duplicate messages that trigger a warning.
    maxDuplicatesKick: 10, // Amount of duplicate messages that trigger a warning.
    maxDuplicatesBan: 12, // Amount of duplicate messages that trigger a warning.
    exemptPermissions: [ 'ADMINISTRATOR'], // Bypass users with any of these permissions.
    ignoreBots: true, // Ignore bot messages.
    ignoredUsers: [], // Array of User IDs that get ignored.
    muteRoleName: "Muted", // Name of the role that will be given to muted users!
    removeMessages: true // If the bot should remove all the spam messages when taking action on a user!
    // And many more options... See the documentation.

client.once('ready', () => {
client.user.setActivity('for spam', {type: 'WATCHING'})

client.on('message', message => antiSpam.message(message)); 


Run tests


👤 AidanTheSister#0001

📝 License

Copyright © 2021 AidanTheSister#0001.

This project is MIT licensed.