AntiAbuse is going to detect when a user of the given groupId is abusing and will instantly demote that user to the demotedRank.
Simply open your terminal on your code editor and run npm install antiabuse
AntiAbuse scans your group every second and looks for abuse through the roleset feature looking at the audit log. When the client detects that a user used the roleset features more times than the specified on the maxActions setting, the client will instantly demote that user to the demotedRank setting.
Current Features
As of right now, AntiAbuse detects roleset abuse and instantly demote the user to the demotedRank rank and send a warning to Discord. More features are going to come soon, do not fret, this is just V1!
Utilization Guide
An AntiAbuse client is required for the group you want to defend. If you would like to defend more than 1 group, you have to make more AntiAbuse clients. Example:
const AntiAbuse = require("antiabuse")
const antiAbuseClient = new AntiAbuse({
robloxCookie: 'Your cookie',
discordWebhook: 'Discord Webhook URL',
groupId: '123456',
delay: 60,
demotedRank: 1,
maxActions: 10,
duration: 10
You can make use of the methods manually, or use the monit
method to automatically check the group.
All time values should be supplied in seconds.
Client Creation
The module exports the AntiAbuse class, which is your primary class. One of these is required for each group, but you can have many clients.
Multi-group clients are not currently supported. You are recommended to simply use the monit
method to watch your group.
const AntiAbuse = require("antiabuse")
const antiAbuseClient = new AntiAbuse(Your_Configuration)
Configuration Options
: Required: Your full Roblox cookie (.ROBLOXSECURITY
). It is recommended that you use a bot account.discordWebhook
: Required: Your Discord Webhook, which will executed when an attack is detected.groupId
: Required: The ID of the group you want to protect.delay
: The delay for the monit function. It will scan your group everydelay
seconds. Default: 90 seconds.demotedRank
: The rank which users will be demoted to if they exceed the threshold. Default: 1maxActions
: The number of actions which when exceeded, will cause the user to be demoted. Default: 10.duration
: The time which that the maximum actions can be reached within. Default: 10 minutes, so users can perform 10 actions in 10 minutes.
Client Methods
Once you have a client you can use its methods, documented below:
Runs a "scan" of the group and checks that no abuse has taken place. This will be run every delay
seconds. A delay can be passed, or the value given to the config will be used.
This is the recommended way to make use of this package.
Returns any logs that have taken place since the last time getRecent
was run. This will return an empty array the first time it is used.
This takes the logs array outputted by getRecent and updates the action totals. It is not expected to be used outside of the class itself, as it's very niche.
Iterates the actions map and checks if any users are above the threshold value. If they are, it runs the takeAction
method which demotes them.
Takes the information from checkActions(The user's ActionInfo) and deranks them, then sends a webhook.
DM me on Discord: bxnny#8147
Alternatively, create an issue on this repo.