This is a JavaScript Client for AntidoteDB.
The library is available as an npm package. Run the following command to add it as a dependency to your project:
npm install --save antidote_ts_client
Documentation is available at
Development / Contributing
To build and compile the library execute:
npm install
npm run compile
Tests are written in Mocha and can be found in src/tests.ts
To execute the tests, start Antidote and then run the tests via npm:
# Start Antidote using Docker
docker run -d --name antidote --restart always -p "4368:4368" -p "8085:8085" -p "8087:8087" -p "8099:8099" -p "9100:9100" -e NODE_NAME=antidote@ antidotedb/antidote
# Run Tests
npm test
Feel free to open pull requests or open issues.